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The playwright cherishes the vivid memories of his childhood.

The playing field was mud city after the big rain. 大雨之后,操场上泥泞一片。
The plays adapted from Greek tragedies and Shakespearean drama by Suzuki, although performed in Japanese, caused a big stir among the western audience with their strange and cruel beauty. 铃木正改编自希腊悲剧和莎士比亚戏剧的剧作,虽然以日语演出,但那种奇异而残酷的美,却在西方观众中引起了轰动。
The plays are either adapted from literary works or created by students themselves. Organizers say the plays will be staged all through the summer at regular intervals. 剧目中有些是改编自文学作品,有些是学生们自己创作的。组织者说,整个夏天里这些剧目都会定期上演。
The playwright Oscar Wilde was noted for his epigrams. 剧作家奥斯卡·王尔德以他的诙谐短诗著称.
The playwright Oscar Wilde was noted for his epigrams. 奥斯卡·王尔德是个著名的风趣的人。
The playwright cherishes the vivid memories of his childhood. 那位剧作家珍惜他童年时期鲜明的回忆。
The playwright has given us human nature marvelously well. 这位剧作家非常精采地向我们描述了人性。
The playwright was fearful that his first opening would be a failure. 那位剧作家担心他的第一出戏会失败。
The playwright's disclaimers notwithstanding, the dramatic corpus of Liudmila Petrushevkaia sharply condemns the havoc wrecked on Soviet society by its government. 摘要尽管吕德米菈?佩楚雪夫斯凯雅本身拒绝承认,她的剧作却严厉地谴责苏俄政府对社会造成的浩劫。
The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidonbuild up the walls of Troy. 当他帮助波塞冬建造特洛伊城墙时,里拉奏出的音乐如此动听,以致石头有节奏地、自动地各就其位。
The pleasant success of MaShow Nature Club Information Table must be totally attributed to ardent and civic-minded you all volunteers! 「马修自然俱乐部」资讯柜檯的顺利成功,完全要归功\\于你们热心公益的付出。

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