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For liquid xenon, the light is very intense and lasts about 10 nanoseconds.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. 因为生命不会后退,也不在过去停留。
For life is a school of sorts, a training school for spiritual mastery, although this fact has been long lost and forgotten in the current distortion upon Earth. 因为生活是一所各种各样的学校,一所训练灵性掌握的学校,虽然在地球上当前的扭曲中,这个事实被丢失和遗忘了很长时间。
For life is too short to be little. 因为生命太短暂,没有时间心胸狭窄。
For light source of LED, there are red, green, blue, white, yellow, double colors, three colors jumps to change, gradual change, seven colour jump to change, gradual change etc. LED光源,有红、绿、蓝、白、黄、双色、三色跳变、渐变、七彩跳变、渐变等多种色彩组合选择。
For liquid hydrogen system, Helium purge is required after or before nitrogen purge. 对于液氢系统用氮气吹扫之后,还要用氦气吹扫。
For liquid xenon, the light is very intense and lasts about 10 nanoseconds. 对液态氙而言,闪烁光非常强烈且可持续约10奈秒。
For literature, the influence mainly shows that the instrument and music had become the aesthetic object and the motif of literary creation. 对文学而言,此种影响主要表现为乐器和音乐进入当时人们的审美视野,成为文学创作的题材。
For little Beth was ailing, and a summer stay at the seashore might, they all hoped, bring back the roses to her cheeks. 因为小贝思生病了,大家都希望在海滨呆上一个夏天可能会使她的双颊恢复血色。
For local telephone calls,please press 9 first and then dial the number. 若打本地电话,请按9,然后再拔号。
For locally asymptotical stability and globally asymptotical stability of the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium, sufficient conditions are obtained for this model. 通过分析,得到了地方病平衡点存在的阈值,以及无病平衡点和地方病平衡点局部渐近稳定和全局渐近稳定的充分条件。
For lodging at guesthouse,hotel,inn,hostel,school or other enterprise and institutions or at government organs or other Chinese organizations,aliens shall present valid passports or resident certificates and fill in registration forms of temporary accomod 办理临时住宿登记:境外人员在宾馆、饭店、旅店、招待所、学校、企业、事业单位或者机关、团体及其他中国机构内住宿,应当出示有效证件,并填写临时住宿登记表。

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