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The results showed that relative slow feeding rate (0.01 L·h~(-1)and 0.02 L·h~(-1)) promoted the cell
其中,0.01 L·h~(-1)的葡萄糖流加速率的菌体干重和酶活分别达到23.5 g·L~(-1)和5.28 u·ml~(-1),与控制pH值的分批发酵过程相比,菌体干重提高了8.05%,酶活提高了30.05%。

1 The resulting protein had biological activity in promoting the neurite outgrowth of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons from E9 chicken in concentration of 50 ng/ml. 已记 看解释
2 The results indicate that cultivate on the table, the MT3-MMP expression amount is high when cells were induced by adding 0.5 mM IPTG for four hours when the cell density reached an A600 of 0.3-0.4. The inclusion bodies were purified through washing. 已记 看解释
3 The results indicated that TNPG was expressed efficiently in prokaryotic cell BL-21. The expression products were 40.8 ku confluent protein and account for 22.8% of the whole proteins. 已记 看解释
4 The results indicated that genes Yr2, Yr3a, Yr4a, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, Yr26, Yr27, and YrSD, either singly or in combinations, were postulated in 72 genotypes, whereas known resistance genes were not identified in the other 26 accessions. 已记 看解释
5 The results show that the thin film have a pseudo-cubic perovskite structure with the cell parameter a=3.861nm,have a good epitaxial direction and smooth surface. 已记 看解释
6 The results showed that relative slow feeding rate (0.01 L·h~(-1)and 0.02 L·h~(-1)) promoted the cell 已记 看解释
7 The results showed that the consistency rate was 94.1% between morphology and immunology, and 4 morphologic misdiagnosed cases were corrected by immunology; 已记 看解释
8 The results showed that when the fat mass in the diet was kept at normal level (7.84g/ 100g), the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio which could maintain relatively lower serum lipids level was 1-5:1 when the SFA: MUFA: PUFA ratio was 1: 1.7:1.2; 已记 看解释
9 The results showed the compound belonged to tetragonal tungsten bronze structure with space group P4bm and unit cell parameters a = 1. 25020(3)nm, c = 0. 39704(2)nm and the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss were 644 and 0. 003 (at 25℃ and 1kHz). 已记 看解释
10 The results suggest that 1/8MED of UVR is safe in immunology and can not induce immune suppression whereas 1MED of UVR show obvious immune suppression. 已记 看解释
11 The role of C-type natriuretic peptide in balloon injury of rat aorta 已记 看解释

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