Continuing inflation means that euro adoption is at least a decade away.
由于两国持续通货膨胀,他们进入欧元区至少还需要十年以上。 |
Continuing or lasting for a month.
持续或连续一个月的 |
Continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time.
长期的,长久的继续或保持无限长的时间的 |
Continuing our Primary Brand Promise to Make Everyday Exciting, over 90 media guests will be taken on a Huangpu River evening cruise as we unveil the All New 3rd Generation Ford Mondeo to fireworks in the sky.
秉承福特主品牌活得精彩的主张,90多位媒体朋友今晚将在黄浦江上,在盛大的焰火中见证全新第三代福特蒙迪欧揭开神秘的面纱。 |
Continuing power cuts are a big reason for a recent dip in the government's popularity and a revival in the Socialists' fortunes.
持续的电力不足也是最近政府支持率下降的主要原因,这也让社会党人看到重新上台的机会。 |
Continuing to adjust the layout and structure of the state sector and reform the state property management system is a major task for deepening economic restructuring.
继续调整国有经济的布局和结构,改革国有资产管理体制,是深化经济体制改革的重大任务。 |
Continuing to e-mail her sister nearly every day, she told her she was earning the equivalent of $1,450 a week.
她依然几乎每天给姐姐发电子邮件,告诉她现在她一周可以挣1,450美元。 |
Continuing to think rationally after you read an exam paper which you know nothing about is very hard to do.
对于一无所知的试卷,看完后要继续进行理性的思考是很难的。 |
Continuing under these wretched conditions seems pointless.
在这种悲惨的状况下,继续努力似乎毫无意义。 |
Continuing up the size scale, the mainframe computer is one that may offer a faster processing speed and a greater storage capacity than a typical mini.
相应于尺寸大小,大型机则比典型的小型机提供了更快的处理速度和更大的存储容量。 |
Continuing with the aforementioned methods, I proceeded to smooth out the brush strokes, add stronger highlights and further detail to the hair.
连续地应用上述方法,我继续平滑那些笔画,给头发添加强光和更精细的细节。 |