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Our natural mineral salts from the thousand-meter deep Jurassic layer are pure, natural, free of pollution, and safe.

Our nation is patient and steadfast. 我们的国家是有耐心的,立场是坚定的。
Our nation's manhood died on the battlefield. 我国的男儿已战死疆场.
Our nation, the R.O.C., is a representative democracy. Our legislators represent us and our interests. 中华民国是一个代议民主制度国家。立法委员代表人民及人民的利益。
Our national flag and Hsinchu city flag were flying in Plano East SH homecoming parade. All the paraders and viewers were excited. We felt proud of Hsinchu City, Taiwan! 国旗与市旗在美国德州东布兰诺高中的返校节游行中飞扬,全场欢声鼓舞,让我们以新竹市为荣!
Our natural indigo products: Pure cotton sock,China print,Cotton cloth,Line cloth,Silk,Jean etc.Natural indigo is a kind of natural dyestuff,strongly antibacterial and even edible, environment-friendly. 有没有人要采购使用天然靛青染色的产品有:纯棉袜子,含棉针织布料,亚麻布,丝绸,牛仔布等。
Our natural mineral salts from the thousand-meter deep Jurassic layer are pure, natural, free of pollution, and safe. 本公司的千米侏罗纪地质层天然矿盐,纯净、天然、无污染,安全自然。
Our natural resources were very limited. 我们的天然资源受限。
Our near-sightedness is understandable. The U.S. buys more than 90 per cent of the province's international exports or 40 cents of every dollar of goods and services Ontario producers. 我们的近视是可以理解的。安省90%以上的国际出口或安省生产者创造的每一美元的商品和服务中就有40美分是供给美国。
Our nearest primate relatives, the African great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas) showed precisely the opposite pattern of gaze following. 与我们亲缘关系最近的灵长类,非洲大猿(黑猩猩、倭黑猩猩、大猩猩),恰好遵循同我们完全相反的视觉追踪机制。
Our necks are under persecution: we labour, and have no rest. 5追赶我们的,到了我们的颈项上。我们疲乏不得歇息。
Our needs will increase, for one thing leads to another and result will be endless dissatisfaction. 我们的需求会增长,从一件事到另一件,并且结果将是无止境的不满。

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