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“The way we got into Serie B was also a nightmare.

“The university is shocked and indeed horrified. “学校震惊了,好可怕耶!”
“The unknown,”said the man. “是未知。”白衣人回答说。
“The updated government accounts make it clear that there is room for the government which is elected next year to deliver a tax cut for every working New Zealander in its first Budget. 最新的政府财务状况报告清楚的显示,明年当选的政府在其第一个预算年中,有削减每一个在工作中的纽西兰人的税务负担的空间。
“The voting is not down to me,” he said. “But if I don't win the prize of best player in the Premiership it will be a great let down. 投票并不能影响我甚么,他说:“但如果我没有获得联赛最佳球员的称号,这个称号却将会名不符实。”
“The wave was black, with an edge of white at the top, and as high as those palm trees,” they recall, pointing to trees about ten times their height. “巨浪是黑色的,顶上有一道白色的边,和那些棕榈树一样高”他们指着一些十倍于他们身高的棕榈树回忆到。
“The way we got into Serie B was also a nightmare. “我们进入乙级之旅同样是一个梦魇。
“The weather hasn‘t cooperated,“ he says. “There has been a lot of clouds and haze over that area since I‘ve been trying. “天气不太配合”他说,“当我试图这么做时候,有很多云和薄雾。
“The whole demand chain is not one-dimensional,” she said. 她表示:“整个需求链不是一维的。”
“The whole seeding mechanism and the way you build up points for it is a constant debate and I know José has expressed his views at the elite coaches' forum. “整个种子队的选别和积分方式一直是争论的焦点,我知道何塞已经在精英教练论坛(注:欧足联为各队教练提供的讨论会)上发表了他的意见。
“The word of a follower of the Prophet was never broken,” answered the Emir. “It is thou, brave Nazarene, from whom I should demand security, did I not know that treason seldom dwells with courage. “先知的信徒从来信守诺言,”酋长说,“倒是该由我向你,基督教徒,要求保证,不过我知道勇敢容不得背信。”
“The works of art, by being publicly exhibited and offered for sale, are becoming articles of trade” (Prince Albert). “这些艺术品通过公开展览和标价出售,已变成了贸易品”(普林斯·阿尔伯特)。

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