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Leather seemed to fascinate him and he often experimented with leaving clothes under a sunray lamp until the material suffered fatigue and the colors started to fade.

Least appealing is one of the auditors' own proposals, that the state protect them by capping their liabilities if they are sued for damages. 但最不受欢迎的是审计师们自己的主张之一:由国家通过限定诉讼中他们的最高赔付额来保护他们自己。
Least of all would I lie to you. 我最犯不上对你撒谎了。
Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions. 皮革受潮可变质.
Leather made from crocodile skin. 鳄鱼皮革用鳄鱼皮做成的皮革
Leather made from the hide of the African and Asian ruminant. 羚皮革非洲、亚洲的羚羊皮做的皮革
Leather seemed to fascinate him and he often experimented with leaving clothes under a sunray lamp until the material suffered fatigue and the colors started to fade. 他好像被皮革迷住了,经常做试验把衣服放在紫外线灯下,直到料子经受疲劳,开始褪色。
Leather treatments will distinguish handbags, which feature less embellishment than last year's styles. 与去年的风格相比,手包的装饰更少,全以皮革的处理度来加以区分。
Leather-silhouette play “ Nao She Huo ” (Introduction) On 15 of Jan. in China, A set of poses of Nao She Huo. 皮影《闹社火》的说明:中国正月十五过大年,“闹社火”时的一组造型。
Leather-silhouette tables, chairs, and beds (Introduction): All kinds of tableaus of tables, chairs, and beds. 皮影桌椅、床的说明:皮影戏中的各种“桌椅、床”造型。
Leather-silhouette, “Hell”(Introduction): Eighteen layers of hell of nether world in leather-silhouette legends. 皮影戏《地府》的说明:皮影戏传说中“阴间地府”中十八层地狱。
Leave Mum alone-she’s got a lot on her plate at the moment. 不要管妈妈―——她眼下有太多的事要处理。

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