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After the bomb it was some time before the town resumed its everyday routines.

After the birth of the twins, Meg spent all her time with the babies and none with her husband. 一对双胞胎出世后,梅格将所有的时间都投注在孩子身上,分不出一点时间给丈夫。
After the blast the plastics show everlasting elasticity. 爆炸过后,塑胶显示出永久的弹性.
After the blizzard, my car got stuck in the snow. 暴风雪过后我的车被困在雪中。
After the blog application is approved, the cyberspace should not be left untouched. 博客申请之后,当然不能让空间闲置着。
After the boats docked, immigrants would disembark and walk into the Registry Room where they would see doctors who would check if they had any physical problems and officers who would look over their legal documents. 当船靠岸后,这些移民就陆续走上岸边,并且走进注册办公室接受医生的检查,看他们有没有任何身体健康上的问题,同时也会有官员负责检查他们的法律文件。
After the bomb it was some time before the town resumed its everyday routines. 爆炸后的一段时间,城镇才恢复了日常的惯有生活。
After the bombing her house was just a heap of rubble. 轰炸之后,她的房子就成了一堆瓦砾。
After the bombing only a few houses were left standing. 轰炸之後, 只剩下几所房子没倒塌.
After the bombing only a few houses were left standing. 轰炸之后,只剩下几所房子没倒塌.
After the bombing, the whole area was barred to the public. 轰炸后,整个地区禁止公众通行。
After the book came out, he found it full of mistakes. 书出版之后,他发现里面尽是错误.

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