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“Well, even the dog didn't want to bite me.” The little ugly duck said with a sigh.

“Well, I think I have a way to help you out. “啊,我想我可以有办法帮你一把。”
“Well, I think the police want to play cat and mouse with the perpetrator by publicizing the abduction because they believe he will strike again. 讲话人的意思是:我认为警方大肆宣传这次绑架,是想和罪犯玩猫抓老鼠,因为他们认为罪犯还会再次犯罪。
“Well, I want to talk to you about my brother,” Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. “He's really, really sick… and I want to buy a miracle. “嗯,我想跟你讲讲我弟弟的事,”苔丝也用同样生气的语调回敬他,“他病得非常、非常重……所以我想买一个奇迹。”
“Well, I'll see you at Hogwarts, I suppose,” said the drawling boy. “好,那么我们就到霍格沃茨再见了。”男孩拖长声调说。
“Well, being dramatic and upset isn't going to fix the problem. I'm disappointed, but there is no need to get worked up. It won't change anything. “嗯,难过和担心不能解决什么问题。我很失望,但是没有必要继续失望下去。这不能改变什么。”
“Well, even the dog didn't want to bite me.” The little ugly duck said with a sigh. “唉,连狗都不愿意咬我了。”丑小鸭叹了口气说。
“Well, here's the situation. “嗯,情况是这样。
“Well, sir, I hope to have the privilege of interviewing you on your one hundredth birthday. “先生,我希望我能荣幸地在您一百岁大寿时再来采访您。”
“Well, sit down and eat your tea cake, ” said his mother. “ Your stomach's hurting because it's empty. It'll be all right when you've got something in it. “嗯,坐下来,吃点点心。肚子痛是因为肚子空了。如果肚子里有点东西就会好的,”妈妈说。
“Well, the house burned down on Tuesday. I've got to fly out to Denver in a couple of days to take care of it. “嗯,礼拜二我们的房子被烧毁了。我得在这几天飞去丹弗去处理这事。”
“Well, tonight is so chilly, isn‘t it? “今天晚上可真冷啊。”

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