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Forcible entry, as into a building or room, for an illegal purpose, especially theft.

Forced to support himself, James worked a series of dead-end jobs, including one as an attendant at a parking lot. 迫于生计,詹姆斯做了很多没什么出路的工作,比如在停车场当服务生。
Forced ventilation should be provided when applying paint in confined spaces or stagnant air. 在狭窄处或空气不流通处施工,必须提供强力通风。
Forces Guild Wars to run in windowed mode. 强制激战运行在窗口模式中。
Forces could be various and complicated, but all the complicated forces inside human body could be divided into 3 categories: pulling force, pressure and tension; and there exists the respective stresses: pulling stress, compressive stress and tensile str 这三个要素缺一不可,力的表现形式是多样性和复杂的,但在人体内不管多么错综复杂的力均可以概括为三种力的形式:即拉力、压力和涨力,同时存在相对应的应力,即拉应力,压应力和涨应力。
Forces your opponent to attack you for 4 attacks. Increases your Dreadful Countenance. 迫使目标攻击你4次,提高恐惧面容等级。
Forcible entry, as into a building or room, for an illegal purpose, especially theft. 破门而入为非法目的强行闯入,如进入一幢建筑物或一个房间,尤指盗窃
Forcible subjection of Aborigines to police rule. 五.对原住民族实施强制性的「警察统治」暴力。
Forcible suppression of Aboriginal culture. 六.剥夺原住民族文化权的暴力。
Forcibly raised from the dead by the Lich King to serve as his elite magical guard, the Lich has the burning cold of Northrend in his realm of control. 身为被巫妖王的强力魔法所复活的精英守卫,克尔苏沙德能够操控诺森德的严寒。
Forcing Mr Chen to step down now would not necessarily help Mr Ma. 现在即使陈水扁下台了对马英九也没有什么好处。
Forcing the world to adjust to oneself has always seemed to me an honourable life work … that one fails in the end is irrelevant. 我总认为迫使世界合于自己的需要是人生光荣的工作……一个人最后未能做到是没关系的。

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