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Dogs and cats wrestle and play ball games.

Dogmatism is puppyism come to its full growth. 教条主义是盲目自高自大的全副面目。
Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across. 狗了解到你必须提高你的声音才可以表达你的观点.
Dogs also process dietary nutrients in ways similar to humans. 其饮食营养的摄取方式亦与人类相似。
Dogs always bark at strangers. 狗总是对着陌生人吠。
Dogs and cats are skinned alive after being pulled from their cramped cages. 猫和狗在被剥掉皮毛后不会立刻死亡。
Dogs and cats wrestle and play ball games. 狗和猫会扭抱玩球。
Dogs and cats wrestle and play ball games. Fishes and birds dance. The apes have simple, pleasurable games. 狗和猫喜欢摔交和玩滚球游戏。鱼和鸟喜欢跳舞,猿猴有简单的、愉悦身心的游戏。
Dogs are , we shouldn't them. 13狗是我们的朋友。我们不应该怕他们。
Dogs are better at relaxing heart-failure patients than people, a new study found. 美国一项最新研究结果显示,与人相比,小狗更善于让那些心力衰竭的病人放松心情。
Dogs are excited by rough play. 狗更喜欢粗鲁点的游戏。
Dogs are more faithful animals than cats; these attach themselves to places, and those to persons. 狗比猫忠心,后者依恋地方,前者依恋人。

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