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According to the question of using natural cooling will prolong the period of opening cylinder for overhaul, we expound three modes for the steam turbine quickly cooled after being stopped, these are vacuum and aeration-cooling, pressure-air cooling and s

According to the provisions of Chinese politics and the inherent logic of political development, the democratization process of China displays the tendency of extending substantive democracy at the inner-Party level and the grassroots level, which in many 摘要中国民主化进程按照中国政治的现实规定性和政治发展的内在逻辑,在两大民主程式党内民主和基层民主的基础上还表现出实质性的趋向,这与近来西方兴起的协商民主理论存在很多耦合之处。
According to the provisions of the assessment project by Ministry of Education, and taking the institutions to be evaluated as objects, this paper sorts out the basic process of the assessment in order of time sequence, which provides reference for normal 依据教育部评估方案的有关规定,以评估时间为序,以被评院校为对象,梳理出评估工作的基本程序,为高职院校评估工作规范化运行提供参考。
According to the pseudo static tests on two specimens of Transfer floor from inclined column to framed short-leg shear wall, which are subjected to the vertical loads and the horizontal cyclic loads, in this paper the stress distributions, final failure m 摘要通过对两榀框支短肢剪力墙斜柱转换结构在竖向荷载及水平低周反复荷载共同作用下的拟静力试验,分析了试件的应力分布状态、破坏形态、荷载传递规律以及转换梁的受力性能和试件的抗震性能。
According to the purpose of applying corporate culture assessment, we could divide the research into three kinds: corporate culture type assessment, corporate culture risk assessment and corporate culture effecting assessment. 目前企业文化的评估研究依据其应用目的可分为企业文化类型评估、企业文化风险评估和企业文化效果评估三种类型。
According to the question about preheationg winter incoming wind in coal mine of northeast area,the thought of preheating winter incoming wind by using waste drift is put forward.The method is good at saving energy and has strong feasibility,showed by pra 针对东北地区煤矿冬季入风流预热问题,提出了利用废旧巷道预热入风流的设想,通过实例计算说明,此方法节能效果好,可行性强。
According to the question of using natural cooling will prolong the period of opening cylinder for overhaul, we expound three modes for the steam turbine quickly cooled after being stopped, these are vacuum and aeration-cooling, pressure-air cooling and s 摘要针对汽轮机采用自然冷却方式会延长机组检修开缸时间的问题,提出了汽轮机停机后的三种快速冷却方式:抽真空通汽冷却法、压缩空气强迫冷却法和蒸汽冷却法,并对这三种方式进行了比较和分析。
According to the question that developing the guidelines of informationization management of the construction project, overall and concrete goal, provide and develop and construct the informationization method of project management. 根据问题依据发展建设工程项目信息化管理的指导思想、总体和具体目标,给出发展建设工程项目管理信息化办法。
According to the radio's specifications, this wire should go into that hole. 按照这台收音机的说明书,这根电线应该穿到那个洞里。
According to the rapid development of mixed fertilizer, our factory made close cooperation with the fourth design institution of chemical ministry, Shanghai chemical academe and Nanjing chemical design institution. 根据复混肥的迅速发展,我厂先后同化工部第四设计院、上海化工研究院、南京化工设计院等科研单位紧密合作,积极开发新产品。
According to the rapid growth of a great performance and enormous market potential, we offer competitive compensation and benefits, training, dormitory, and career development space! 随着公司的高速发展和巨大的市场潜能,公司诚邀您的加入,并提供具有竞争力的薪资待遇,全面的培训,住宿以及广阔的职业发展空间!
According to the rational expectations theory, expansionary monetary policy will:Cause money wages to adjust upward to higher expected inflation almost immediately. 根据理性预期理论,扩张性的货币政策差不多会立即使货币工资调升到与预期较高的通货膨胀相适应的水平。

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