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In the Hong Kong market, the most popular is the Ming and Qing GUANYAOporcelain, numerous examples in recent years is the price to new highs.

In the Han culture, it is particularly difficult to forgive others their transgressions and disrespectful actions. 在汉族文化中,要原谅他人的错误和不尊重的行为比较困难。
In the Haute Vila (Upper Town). 在上城区,它可以勾引起你对中世纪的回忆。
In the Hawaiian Islands, Captain James Cook becomes the first European to discover Maui. 1778年,在夏威夷岛屿,詹姆士·库克船长成为第一个发现毛伊岛(请注意不是毛利)的欧洲人。
In the Himlayan Yoga Tradition of Swami Rama you will learn a systematic and comprehensive approach to teaching hatha yoga, and receive valuable feedback on your teaching techniques. 在斯瓦米·拉马的喜玛拉雅瑜伽传统中,您将系统、全面地学会教授哈他瑜伽的方法,并就您的教学方法提出有价值的改进意见。
In the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Hermes conducts the Kore safely back to Demeter. 在《荷马史诗》中有关得墨忒耳的部分,赫密士引导科尔安全地返回得墨忒耳身边。
In the Hong Kong market, the most popular is the Ming and Qing GUANYAOporcelain, numerous examples in recent years is the price to new highs. 在香港市场中,最热门的却是明清官窑瓷器,近年来更是屡创价格新高。
In the Hotel Thomas manages to organise a driver who transports on a lorry our bikes many kilometres up into the gorge. 在旅馆里,操鸟招呼了一辆小货卡,将我们连人带脚踏车一起开了数公里后将我们带到了峡谷里。
In the House of Representatives, the following committees have jurisdiction over environmental protection or natural resource conservation: the Agriculture Committee; the Appropriations Committee; the Commerce Committee; the Government Reform and Oversigh 在众议院,下述委员会对环境保护及保存自然资源有管辖权:农业委员会、拨款委员会、商业委员会、政府革新委员会;资源委员会;交通及基础设施委员会;及,科学委员会。
In the IBM study, team after successful team apologizedfor not following a formal process, for not using a high-tech CASE tool, for merelysitting close to each other and discussing as they went. 在IBM的研究组里,开发小组要向以前成功的小组道歉,因为他们没有遵守一道正式的工序,因为他们没有用一个高科技的CASE工具,又或者仅仅因为他们坐在一起,讨论他们下步该怎么做。
In the INVEST trial, there is no significant difference between the βblocker and calcium channel blocker. 再看INVEST试验,含有β受体阻滞剂的联合治疗组与其它治疗组相比没有明显差异。
In the In-House contest, do we have to let contestants fill in the speaker's eligibility form ( or it's only for higher levels )? 在会内的比赛,我们也需要让参赛者填写参赛资格合格声明书吗?

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