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Rick and I stayed at an English country-style bed-and-breakfast and went for long walks in the hills.

Richter: Tribute? You steal men's souls, and make them your slaves. 里:忠心?你倒盗取人类的灵魂,奴役他们!
Rick Klein, a senior political reporter for ABC News, says it is now a major campaign issue for presidential candidates in the United States. 美国广播公司的一位资深政治记者瑞克·克里恩说,现在在美国对于总统候选人来说,这是竞选活动的主要议题。
Rick Liu is a tall young man who was born in the port city of Suao. 刘瑞克是一位出生在苏澳港都的高大年轻人。
Rick Parry: Yes, we are very confident. 帕里:有,我们非常有信心。
Rick Ranger crash lands his helicopter over the Amazon while searching for the lost goolu tribe. 瑞克骑兵把直升机降落在亚马逊流域中去寻找迷失的骷髅部落。
Rick and I stayed at an English country-style bed-and-breakfast and went for long walks in the hills. 我们住在一家英国乡村式的提供宿夜床和次晨早餐的旅馆,在山间久久漫步。
Rick applied three times to NASA's astronaut program and was rejected. 里克3次申请加入国家航空航天局的航天员项目都被拒绝了。
Rick be foolish to be take in by her. 雷克愚蠢地被她所骗。
Rick factors related to medically attended motor vehicle accident injuries included mountain residency, male, low household income, drivers, motorcycle riders, and drunk or unprotected driving. 交通事故的危险因子包括山地、男性、家户收入较低者、驾驶人、机车使用者、事故前喝酒或未用安全帽(带)等有关。
Rick found a sure-enough nickel. 里克发现一个纯正的镍币。
Rick knew that his father was right. 瑞克知道他的父亲是对的。

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