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The intention is to help all National Associations develop hockey in their nations from the developmental stage they are present at.

The intent of this paper is to critically review a recent study that tested a crucial prediction of the Nelson model in a clinical population-that is, embedding exercise within occupation would elicit enhanced motor performance than rote exercise. 本文旨在评析一篇新近发表的研究报告;该研究针对脑伤临床对象,检测了纳尔逊模式的一个重要预刺,亦即:将运动植基于职能上,较之机械式运动,将引发较佳的动作表现。
The intent, or perhaps just fond hope, is not only to help students understand specific technologies, but also how to reason about how systems work and how to be intelligently skeptical about technology and technological claims. 开设这门课程的目的,也是个美好的愿望,除了了解系统是怎样工作的,还要了解怎样对某些技术和技术观点达到不盲目崇信。
The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another. 预谋无正当意图或理由地去做导致别人伤害的错误行为的动机
The intention here is not to write off the contributions of Stamford Raffles and the British in developing the island, but to make the point that this account of our history is incomplete. 我们无意抹煞莱佛士与英国人对新加坡的开发所做的贡献,但我们要说,那不是我们历史的全部。
The intention is to create, through collaboration, a space for emotional exchange in which art and narration may be considered reciprocal gifts. 意图通过合作,一空间适合艺术和叙述可能被认为为相互礼物的感情交换创造。
The intention is to help all National Associations develop hockey in their nations from the developmental stage they are present at. 目地在于协助各发展中会员国国内冰球运动的推广。
The intention of lowering interest rates is to stimulate the economy. 降低利率的用意是刺激经济。
The intention of spending money to employe you is not do nothing but sit there only. 花钱雇你来可不是让你光坐著不干活的。
The intention of the one-sided accomplice also possesses dual cognitive elements and dual willing elements, the difference between it and the intention of complicity is that the intention of one-sided accomplice has unilateral and consensual nature on the 片面共同犯罪故意也具有双重认识因素和双重意志因素,与全面共同犯罪故意不同的是,其意思联络具有单向合意性。
The intention of the provision is clear. 那条款的含义是清楚的。
The intention of this Agreement is to enable a full exchange of information between the Parties with a view to approving the final terms of this Agreement within three months from the date hereof, and thereafter signing it in final form within two months 本协议的目的是,在协议双方之间进行充分的沟通,以便自现在始的三个月内达成最终协议条款,以及,在其后的两个月内签署最后的正式文本。

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