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A semester of baseball coaching, for example, earns the student as many credits as a semester in French philology.

A selfish person puts self first. 一个自私的人把自己摆第一。
A selfish proposer who is sure that the responder is also selfish will therefore make the smallest possible offer and keep the rest. 而自私的提议者如果确定对方也自私的话,就会提出极低的分钱比例,自己拿走绝大多数的现金。
A selfless man is upright and high-minded. 人不自私,顶天立地。
A self~closing phenomena, which is an anticultural nonmainstream and rejects reality, exists in some current literary works in which feminism finds extreme expression and in which the narration is extraordinarily dependent on the male's lust of peep. 摘要当下一些比较极端化的女性主义文学作品,存在着反文化、非主流、拒斥现实的自闭现象,其文体叙述有着对男性窥视欲望非同一般的依赖。
A seller charging competing buyers different prices for the same commodityor discriminating in the provision of allowances-- compensation for advertising and other services -- may be violating the Robinson-Patman Act. 一销售商就相同的商品向不同的竞买者索取不同的价格或在限量供应(如对广告或其它服务的补偿)中对购买者实行歧视的行为可能违反《鲁宾逊-帕特曼法》。
A semester of baseball coaching, for example, earns the student as many credits as a semester in French philology. 例如,训练棒球的一个学期,可以为学生赢得与法国语言学方面所花费一个学期一样多的学分。
A semi-analytical and semi-empirical method is used to formulate a displacement solution for the circular disc with a pair of flattened areas under diametral compression. 摘要用半解析半经验的方法推出圆盘对径压缩的一个位移解,该公式可以估算力作用点有微小平台时直径的压缩位移。
A semi-conductor has some important properties. 半导体有一些重要的特性。
A semi-supervised learning system was proposed based on ART (adaptive resonance theory). 摘要根据自适应谐振理论提出了半监督学习自适应谐振理论系统。
A semi-transparent redish brown resin extracted from Benzoin trees. Used mostly as a stablizing agent. Origin: Sumatra. 由安息香树所分泌的红棕色半透明树脂,常用作定香剂。产地:苏门达腊。
A semiconductor diode array that is programmed by fusing or burning out diode junctions. 一种半导体二极管阵列,通过熔断或烧断二极管的结来实现编程过程。

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