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The muscle cutaneous perforating branches of artery of caput mediale of musculi gastrocnemii and caput laterale originated from - branches, which provided nutrition for cutaneous nerve and superficial vein along the way.

Information of the cloth and prefab reference card statistics were collected by digital camera, and transferred to computer. 数码相机采集平面样布及预制的标准参照卡片数据后,传输至电脑。
Investigational findings of each indice after wearing custom-made ocular prosthesis: General satisfactory rates (satisfactory and mostly satisfactory) of shape, color, motility, fixation and comfort were 90.8%, 8.%, 7.7%, 9.9% and 87.7%, respectively. 患者配戴定制义眼后各项指标满意度调查结果:患者对个性化义眼外形、颜色、活动性、固位性、舒适性评价总满意率(满意和基本满意)分别为90.8%,8.%,7.7%,9.9%,87.7%。
The Julia set constructed through dynamic parameter has protean patterns; 动态参数法所构造的Julia 集形态各异,结构千变万化;
The distance from central point of sella turcica to the lowest posterior point of the tentorium,male was 8±mm,female was 8±mm; 从蝶鞍中心点到小脑幕后下缘附着点连线,男8±mm,女8±mm;
The incidences of adverse effects of actarit and methotrexate were 7.0% and .%( P <0.0). ACT组和MTX组的不良反应发生率分别为 7.0 %和 . % (P <0 .0 )。
The muscle cutaneous perforating branches of artery of caput mediale of musculi gastrocnemii and caput laterale originated from - branches, which provided nutrition for cutaneous nerve and superficial vein along the way. 腓肠肌内、外侧头动脉沿途发~支的肌皮穿支营养皮神经浅静脉。
The positive ratio of P expression in cases whose GC lied in cardiac part was .%, .8% in fundus and body of stomach, 7.9% in pyloric part, without significant difference among them (p>0.0). 位于贲门部、胃底体部和幽门部的胃癌P 阳性表达率分别为.%、.8%和7.9%,三者之间无显著差异(p>0.0);
The total effective rate for objective indexes(such as papule, blister, blood blister, erosion and scab) was 9%(/) and 9%(/) in trial group and control group at 7 days after treatment respectively, and 00% at and 8 days after treatment in both groups. 客观指标(丘疹、水疱、血疱、糜烂、结痂)疗效:治疗7d时总有效率喷昔洛韦组与阿昔洛韦组分别为9%(/)和9%(/),治疗d和8d时两组总有效率均为00%;
Using glovers in clinic practice might reduce the incidence of HP infection. 使用手套可能会降低医患接触过程中HP感染的传播。
When NK cells were used as effector cells, the annexin V positive platelet ratio of the ITP group was .%±.%), not significantly different from that of the control group (.%±.0%, P>0.0); 血小板与NK细胞共同孵育后,ITP患者组血小板的膜联蛋白V标记阳性率(.%±.%)与正常对照组(.%±.0%)差异无统计学意义(P>0.0);
dilated segments of varying degrees which represent the normally innervated proximal intestine(00%),including colonic haustra disappear in dilated segments(80%) and weak contraction in dilated segments(7%); 所有病例见不同程度扩张段 ,其中80 %扩张段结肠袋减少或消失 ,7%扩张段收缩减弱 .

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