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Article 13. The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state.

Article 13 When the government undertakes water resources projects, those who benefit from the work and pay for its costs and expenses may apply to the authority-in-charge to organize a water resources promotion association. 第13条(水利协会之核准设立)政府兴办水利事业,受益人直接负担经费者,得申请主管机关核准设立水利协进会。
Article 13 When urban roads having a width of less than 15 meters are improved, they shall be paved to the full width at one time. 第13条(路面之加铺)市区道路改善加铺路面时,其宽度在十五公尺以内者,应一次全宽铺设。
Article 13 Where a layout-design exclusive rights are owned by a natural person, the exclusive rights are transferred according to the provisions of the Inheritance Law within the duration of protection under the Regulation after the natural person passes 第十三条布图设计专有权属于自然人的,该自然人死亡后,其专有权在本条例规定的保护期内依照继承法的规定转移。
Article 13. Each unit shall set up a property inventory system and ensure that the accounting records conform to the physical assets and cash holdings. 第十三条各单位应当建立财产清查制度,保证帐薄记录与实物、款项相符。
Article 13. Supervisory personnel perform official duties according to law and are protected by law. 第十三条监察人员依法执行职务,受法律保护。
Article 13. The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state. 第十三条供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。
Article 13. The enterprise shall implement the principle of distribution according to work. It may also adopt other forms of distribution within the scope prescribed by law. 第十三条企业贯彻按劳分配原则。在法律规定的范围内,企业可以采取其他分配方式。
Article 13. Where a registered trademark is to be used in respect of other goods of the same class, a new application for registration shall be filed. 第十三条注册商标需要在同一类的其他商品上使用的,应当另行提出注册申请。
Article 13. Where an application for technology import is approved, the competent foreign trade department under the State Council shall issue an letter of intent for licensing the technology import. 第十三条技术进口申请经批准的,由国务院外经贸主管部门发给技术进口许可意向书。
Article 13.For the purposes of item (3) of Article 4 of the Tax Law, the term subsidies and allowances paid in accordance with uniform regulations of the stateshall mean special government subsidies issued in accordance with State Council regulations and 第十三条税法第四条第三项所说的按照国家统一规定发给的补贴、津贴,是指按照国务院规定发给的政府特殊津贴和国务院规定免纳个人所得税的补贴、津贴。
Article 130 Any provision tending to relieve the carrier of the liability prescribed by this Law or to fix a lower limit than that which is laid down in this Law shall be null and void, but the nullity of any such provision shall not involve the nullity o 第一百三十条任何旨在免除本法规定的承运人责任或者降低本法规定的赔偿责任限额的条款,均属无效;但是,此种条款的无效,不影响整个航空运输合同的效力。

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