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Opportunities tend to be one-time shots; if you don't take them that instant, you lose them forever.

Opportunities are present all the time, but often they go by unnoticed. 机会无处不在,但经常在人们的忽略中消失。
Opportunities for deal-making are swiftly exploited, sometimes with detrimental effects on the continent. 可能成交的机会被迅速地利用,尽管有时交易本身会危害非洲大陆。
Opportunities for employment abound in this boomtown. 这个新兴的城市就业机会很多。
Opportunities like this do not come along every day. 像这样的机会并不是每天都有的。
Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs. 双鱼座:机遇会出现在富有声望的事情上。
Opportunities tend to be one-time shots; if you don't take them that instant, you lose them forever. 机会只此一次,若你毫无准备与预见,它将永远与你擦肩而过。
Opportunities to get ahead are evident. 显然有成功的机会。
Opportunities to make financial gains will develop through your connections with other people. 只有通过和别人的联系才能有财政收入的机会。
Opportunities to meet new lovers will evolve through your interaction with groups or fundraising functions. 在团队工作或者筹款项目中有机会遇到新的伴侣。
Opportunities to overcome difficulties will not emerge if you give up. 只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。
Opportunities to pamper yourself may unfold. 水瓶座:本周水瓶有纵容自己的机会。

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