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His Achilles' heel was his pride.

His 30-year stint as club secretary started in 1958 when Walter Crickmer, his predecessor, perished in the Munich air disaster. 他30年的俱乐部服务生涯始于1958年,那时候他的前辈沃尔特-克里克莫在慕尼黑空难中去世。
His 300p a share offer, which values the club at £790m, was taken up by other large shareholders, leaving Mr Glazer with close to 70 per cent of the Premiership club according to one person close to the Glazer family. 据一位接近格莱泽家族的人士称,他每股出价300便士,使该俱乐部价值达到7.9亿英镑,这一出价被其他大股东接受,从而使格莱泽先生拥有这家英超俱乐部近70%的股份。
His 6,000 inventions included the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the mimeograph machine. 他的六千项发明,包括电灯泡,留声机(唱机)和油印机。
His 8.4 rebounds per game would silence the critics who say that trading a power forward for a small forward is not a great idea. 他每场的8.4个篮板也足以让那些认为用一个大前锋来换一个小前锋不值得批评家们住嘴。
His 97-year-old wife added: The key is give and take and lots of laughter. 97岁的安妮塔补充说:“关键是要相互谦让,多一些笑声也很重要。”
His Achilles' heel was his pride. 他的致命伤就是骄傲自大。
His Adi is more terrifying than any monster. 他笔下的阿迪比任何恶魔都恐怖。
His Asian career with Siemens AG, spanning 12 years, has helped him strengthened his telecommunication, sales &marketing skills. 在西门子公司亚洲区12年的工作经验更加强了他在电信,销售和市场开拓方面的工作能力。
His Austrian grandfather was an opera singer who abruptly upped and left his wife in Vienna. 他的奥地利祖父是位歌剧演员,这位演员突然出人意料地离开了他撇在维也纳的妻子。
His Bianconeri teammate Jonathan Zebina was also celebrating the rapid comeback following last summer's demotion. 他的队友泽比纳也在庆祝球队迅速回归甲级行列。
His Blues pals and doctors had earlier feared the worse as he lay motionless on the pitch following the sickening 56th-minute injury. 他的蓝军队友以及队医都对他在比赛进行到56分钟他受伤后出现的昏厥感到非常担心。

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