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Abstract:Emphatically discusses the relationship between graft hybridization and the specificity of heredity in fruit trees on the basis of introducing the recent achievements in plant graft hybridization.

Abstract:Based on present plant gene engineering techniques, some strategies to develop transgenic crops expressing multiple genes by constructing a multigenes expression vector or a number of expression vectors and then making one or more transformations 摘要本文探讨了在利用植物基因工程技术的基础上,通过构建多基因或者多个表达载体,进行一次、多次基因转化或共转化方法获得转多价基因作物的一些策略,并进行了展望。
Abstract:Based on the data collected from our surveys of the social networks of Beijing residents in 2000, we try to find out how class status decides one's role in a social network. 本文运用2000年北京城市居民社会网络调查的资料,从理性选择的视角探讨了城市居民的阶层地位对社会网络的角色关系构成的影响。
Abstract:By tracking the recent discussions in the field of sociology over the state of personal identity, this paper tries to show how the ever-changing and ever-enlarging environment poses an increasingly serious challenge on the self-identity of a mode 本文通过对近年来社会学关于个人同一性状况讨论的跟踪,展示了现代人在面对外部环境不断扩大的灵活性要求时遇到的自我定义困境。
Abstract:China is the large agricultural nation, has the nearly 900 millionpeople to live in the countryside,Therefore the agriculture, the countryside, the farmer are is for a long time paid attention in China and the research question,In this more than 摘要:中国是个农业大国,有近8.5亿人生活在农村,因此农业、农村、农民在中国是个长久被关注和研究的问题,在这二十多年的时间里,社会的巨大变革,经济的突飞猛进,农村在发展的浪潮之中又是随社会的发展而发展呢,还是已经与整个国民经济整体的发展脱节呢?
Abstract:China's existing land requisition system is severely flawed. 中国土地征用制度改革涉及到许多复杂的问题。
Abstract:Emphatically discusses the relationship between graft hybridization and the specificity of heredity in fruit trees on the basis of introducing the recent achievements in plant graft hybridization. 在介绍近年来植物嫁接杂交研究新进展的基础上,着重阐述了嫁接杂交与果树遗传特殊性的关系。
Abstract:Festivities are thought of as the process of evoking the past and returning to the present, so how to set up a holiday system reflects the standpoint from which a nation state narrates the past. 节日是一个在当下唤起过去然后回到当下的过程,节日的设置通常反映了民族国家在当下叙说过去的立场。
Abstract:Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute post-infectious immune-mediated peripheral neuropathy with a highly variable clinical course and outcome. 摘要:格林-巴利综合征(GBS)是一种急性感染后免疫介导的周围神经病变,具有高度可变的临床过程和结果。
Abstract:Immunosuppression for immunologically high-risk renal transplant patients usually inoles antithymocyte globulin induction with triple drug maintenance therapy. 摘要:肾移植免疫高危患者的免疫抑制方案通常是予抗胸腺细胞球蛋白诱导免疫抑制,然后以三联免疫抑制药物维持治疗.
Abstract:In modern, Western moral and political theory, the notion of the liberal subject has flourished as the locus of moral experience, interpretation, and critique. 现代西方道德政治理论中,自由主义主体这个概念作为道德经验、阐释、批评的中心一直非常繁荣。
Abstract:In the process of globalization, many of the western cities face economic structural decline because of the re-distribution of the secondary industry. 摘要:全球化所带来的制造业在全球范围内的重新布局使得众多的西方城市面临着经济的结构性衰退。

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