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Cost-plus Loan Pricing, Price Leadership, and Customer Profitability Analysis are the three main methods of loan pricing in foreign banks.

Cost what it may, I will carry out the plan to the full. 无论如何,我都要不折不扣地执行这一计划。
Cost- compared to brand-name computers the clone will generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one with similar features as its brand-name counterpart. 成本比品牌电脑克隆一般容易对您当初购买一个类似袖珍手册其特点为品牌对应.
Cost-Effectiveness ratio were 111.42 and 116.25 yuan respectively. 两组成本-效果比分别为111.42元、116.25元。
Cost-benefit ratio model and stage-rolled method are chosen as the theoretical foundations of the program, and then benefit model is improved to accord with the actuality of urban traffic in China. 首先选择效益/费用比模型和阶段滚动法作为程序的理论依据,同时针对我国城市交通的现状,对效益模型进行了改进。
Cost-effectiveness in the laboratory: should we examine hernia sacs or calcified heart valves? 实验室中的成本效益:我们应该检验疝气囊或钙化心瓣膜吗?
Cost-plus Loan Pricing, Price Leadership, and Customer Profitability Analysis are the three main methods of loan pricing in foreign banks. 摘要国外银行贷款定价方法主要有成本相加法、价格领导法、客户盈利性分析法等三种模式。
Cost-saving and benefit-increasing in the process of transition are largely due to different reforms of ownership. 转轨过程中节约成本和扩大收益的原因很大程度上是源于不同的所有制改革方式。
Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis expresses the relationships among a company's costs, volume of activity and income. 本量利分析是对公司的成本、数量和利润之间的关系所进行的分析。
Cost-volume-profit analysis is a key factor in many decisions, in-cluding choice of product lines, pricing of products, marketing strategy and utilization of productive facilities. 本量利分析在诸如产品系列的选择、产品定价、营销策略以及生产设施的利用等许多决策中,都是关键的因素。
Cost: Bottled water can cost approximately $1 for a gallon jug, while tap water costs pennies on the dollar. 花费:瓶装水大约每加仑1美元,而自来水仅需几美分。
Costa Rica becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty. 1916年,哥斯达黎加成为布宜诺斯艾利斯版权条约的签字国之一。

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