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A century ago, it was a tranquil town whose coral-and-gypsum huts housed Bedouin traders and pearl divers.

A centrifuge used to determine the volume of blood cells and plasma in a given sample of blood. 血球容量计,血流比容计一种离心机,用于测定所给样血中血细胞和浆细胞的容量
A centry ago, Einstein published seccesively 5 theses on respectively quantum theory, special theory of relativity, brownian movement,etc, creating miracle in the field of pgysics and gave physics a brand new look. 一百年前,26岁的爱因斯坦相继发表了有关量子理论、狭义相对论和布朗运动等5篇论文,创造了物理学的奇迹,从根本上刷新了物理学的面貌。
A century after America's founders conceived their agrarian democracy, nearly all their descendents still lived on small farms. (在美国的创建者们设计了他们的耕地民主100年后,几乎所有他们的子孙都住在小农场。
A century after its conception, quantum mechanics continues to be a disturbing theory. 量子力学已经诞生一个世纪了,却仍然令人感到困惑。
A century ago nobody knew all those galaxies even existed. 直到一个世纪前,还没有任何人知道有类似银河的其他星系存在。
A century ago, it was a tranquil town whose coral-and-gypsum huts housed Bedouin traders and pearl divers. 一百年前,它还是一个宁静的小城,贝都因商人和采珠人住在由珊瑚和石膏筑成的小屋里。
A century ago, she was called the “patient of East Asia”. Not any more. 一百年前,她被称作“东亚病夫”.那段日子一去不返.
A century ago, the law of PROPERTY, another body of private law, would probably have been ranked as high as tort law or contract law, but the importance of property law has declined with the decline of the significance of rights in real property(i.e., lan 一个世纪前,财产法——私法的另一个部分大概就被看作和侵权法与合同法一样重要,但它对普通庆祝会秩序的重要性已经随着“不动产”(即土地和房屋)权利重要性的下降而下降了。
A century ago,Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late 1970s,neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise”—the random byproducts of the neural 一个世纪前,弗洛伊德完成了其革命性的理论,认为梦掩饰我们潜意识中的欲望和恐惧;到了20世纪70年代末期,神经病学家们转而认为梦只是“精神噪音”,即梦是睡眠时神经修复工作的一种随机副产品。
A century ago,Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late 1970s, neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise”—the random byproducts of the neura 「译文」一个世纪前,弗洛伊德完成了其革命性的理论,认为梦掩饰我们潜意识中的欲望和恐惧;到了20世纪70年代末期,神经病学家们转而认为梦只是“精神噪音”,即梦是睡眠时神经修复工作的一种随机副产品。
A century and a half after On the Origin of Species, biologists still debate the mechanisms and implications (though not the reality) of Darwinism, while much of the public still flounders in pre-Darwinian cluelessness. 在《物种起源》出版了一个半世纪后,生物学家还在争论达尔文主义的机制与含意(而不是实际内容),而大多数人也还在为前达尔文时期的漫无头绪而焦躁徬徨。

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