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A mystic deals with these metaphysical concepts on the metaphysical plane, as a model for their own internal experience, and when talking about \'energy centres\', they are generally talking about subtle, spiritual forces, which work on the psyche and spi

A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind. 无数想法划过她的心头。
A mysterious Golden palacehas appeared in the center of the capital. 一座神秘的“黄金城”出现在首都的中心.
A mysterious light came from the deserted house. 废弃的房屋里亮起了神秘的灯光。
A mystery ailment has claimed a victim! 怪病夺走一条人命!
A mystery flu virus has struck down 61 children at a Kowloon Tong kindergarten. 在九龙塘一所幼儿园中,61名学童染上神秘感冒菌。
A mystic deals with these metaphysical concepts on the metaphysical plane, as a model for their own internal experience, and when talking about \'energy centres\', they are generally talking about subtle, spiritual forces, which work on the psyche and spi 神秘学家在纯粹哲学层面上论述了这些纯粹哲学的概念,如他们自己内在经验的模型那样,而当谈论‘能量中心’时候,他们通常谈论精细、精神力,精神力在心灵和灵魂处运转,不谈论身体电或磁场。
A mythical animal, protecting temples of our lives of today and those of yesterday. 这是一个充满传奇的动物,是我们生命的保护神。
A mythical monster traditionally represented as a gigantic reptile having a lion's claws, the tail of a serpent, wings, and a scaly skin. 一种传说中的怪物,一般被描述成有狮爪、蛇尾、翅膀及带鳞的皮肤。
A nail caught her skirts. 钉子钩住了她的裙子。
A nail gun accident sent one into this 17-year-old turns out the nail acted like a plug leaving no room for blood to seep out. 事故中一把钉枪射中了这名17岁孩子,射出的钉子像一个泵一样止住了血液的流出。
A nail gun accident sent one into this 17year old turns out the nail acted like a plug leaving no room for blood to seep out. 一把钉枪意外射出一根钉子在这个17岁男孩身上,后来证明这根钉子充当塞子,使血液没有空间渗出。

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