Maybe they've run many articles.
也许他们有刊载许多文章。 |
Maybe they’re farmers.
他们可能是农民。 |
Maybe this fossil has two million yeas history.
这化石可能超过二百万年了. |
Maybe this is because he often goes to bed very late, or because he doesn't have correct eating habits.
也许这是因为他常常很晚睡,或因为他没有良好的饮食习惯。 |
Maybe this is her habit, when she stands there, or walks, she always likes to hunch her back a little bit.
也许是习惯,梅姑袅袅婷婷也好,闲庭信步也好,总喜欢佝着背。 |
Maybe this is my lasting deep impression?
这,是很久很久以前的刻印了吧? |
Maybe this is why people have chains and peep-holes on their doors, and sometimes a locked turnstile and an armed security guard downstairs.
也许,这就是为什么人们不仅要在自己家的门上装上锁链和猫眼,有时还在楼下装上旋转栅门和配上带枪的门卫。 |
Maybe this item is prices too high.
也许这商品的价格订得过高。 |
Maybe those who keep such kind of bizarre animal as their pet have surpassed the normal meaning of pet raising.
可能那些养奇异动物作为宠物的人已经超越了宠物饲养的通常意义。 |
Maybe to some extent you can do that, but what you really want to express is that if a person is sitting at a terminal, and the person is not color blind, he or she will accept that the new color is red.
在一定程度上说,你这样做就够了,但实际上你真正想表述的是:有一个人正坐在电脑前面,此人不是色盲,他/她认可该点是红色。 |
Maybe troubled with the suspicion of draw others.
有勾引异性的嫌疑。 |