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Multi-medium reverse circulation composite drilling technique is a new geological drilling method effectively combined air reverse circulation continuous sample with hydraulic reverse circulation core drilling.

Multi-level threading is a hybrid of user-level and process-based threading. 多级线程是用户空间和基于进程线程的结合。
Multi-line select - possibly the biggest time saving feature ever. 多线选择-可能是现今最节省时间的特性。
Multi-lingual User Interface (MUI) add-on - change the user interface language to get localized dialog boxes, menus, help files, dictionaries, and proofing tools etc. 多国语言用户界面:通过改变用户界面语言得到本地化的对话框、菜单、帮助文件、字典和验证工具等。
Multi-lingual senior project managers give you dedicated service. 具体多种语言能力的资深项目经理周到为您服务。
Multi-material inlet and outlet can be set to meet the requirement of transportation. 可设置多个进出料口,满足物料输送的要求。
Multi-medium reverse circulation composite drilling technique is a new geological drilling method effectively combined air reverse circulation continuous sample with hydraulic reverse circulation core drilling. 从数字技术的角度描述了未来的钻探前景,它是基于自动检测系统、智能专家系统和自动控制系统基础之上的数字控制体系。
Multi-motor work in one belt conveyor which apply to single soft starter to drive several motor which is controlled by PLC system that detect distribute current in each motor for protect and alarm. 在胶带输送机多电机工作时,可以采用一台软起动拖动多台电机的拖动方式,通过PLC控制系统检测各电机分电流进行过流保护与报警。
Multi-narrative adaptation of Richard v. Krafft-Ebing's notorious medico-forensic study of sexual perversity. 改编自同名巨著,哺育过精神分析大师弗洛伊德的性学第一书。是学习和研究变态心理学的一个很好的教材。
Multi-national company Directors, Managers, Supervisors, Professionals for; Purchasing, Supply Chain, Materials Management, Operations, and other functions that have a vested interest in world wide supplier negotiations. 从事采购、供应链、物料管理、运营及其他职能部门中与全球供应商谈判的专业人士,如跨国公司总监、经理、主管及专业人员。
Multi-objective optimal design of batch process with minimization of investment and environmental impact has been addressed as a mono-objective optimization with a weight factor for the environment term. 摘要同时考虑费用和环境影响的间歇化工过程多目标最优化设计问题的求解,通常的做法是使用权重系数法,将其转变成单一目标来优化。
Multi-polarization continues to develop despite twists and turns and it remains the common aspiration of people of all countries to pursue peace, cooperation and development. 多极化的趋势仍然在曲折中发展。要和平、求合作、促发展仍然是世界各国人民的共同意愿。

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