Love is so precious that we can't afford to waste it .
爱情是如此的珍贵,它经不起我们的浪费. |
Love is something that happens in code.Love is a complicated game of pretending not to love,not to care,so that the other one will have no choice but to love and care.
在悉尼一个名叫罗布的兽医家中,一只叫贝波的德国牧羊犬极其温柔慈爱地坐在两只濒危的孟加拉幼虎和一只美洲幼狮中间。 |
Love is sometimes put in range with a career.
人们往往认为爱情和事业是并驾齐驱的。 |
Love is space and time measured by the heart.
爱情是由心丈量的时空。 |
Love is speaking her language.
爱是……愿意用她的语言和她聊天。 |
Love is spiritual, lust is carnal.
爱是精神的,情欲是肉体的。 |
Love is strengthened by working through conflicts together.
共同化解冲突使爱得以加固。 |
Love is stronger than death.
爱的力量大于死亡./ 爱情能战胜死神. |
Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending.
爱情始甜而终苦。 |
Love is sweetest seasoned with suspect.
加点猜疑作调味,爱的滋味更甜美. |
Love is that super kiss given at twelve o'clock on the New Year's day.
爱是在新年钟声响起之时给他/她的超级之吻。 |