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You don't have to be American to want to play hooky from high culture, though Americans may be prouder of it than anyone else.

You don't have obligations to answer these questions in law. 在法律上,你没有义务非回答这些问题。
You don't have obligations to answer these questions legally. 在法律上,你没有义务非回答这些问题。
You don't have the right to browse the forum. 您没有在本论坛浏览的权限。
You don't have the right to enter this forum! 您没有权限进入本论坛!
You don't have the right to send out this page. 您没有将本页面发送的权限。
You don't have to be American to want to play hooky from high culture, though Americans may be prouder of it than anyone else. 对所谓高雅文化敬而远之,唯恐避而不及,这自然不是美国人的专利,但也许美国人对此更多了几分得意吧。
You don't have to be a doctor. 及时的急救,可以避免患者受到永久伤害,甚至挽回其生命。
You don't have to be an expert to give a car a good, revealing going-over. 你不需要当一个专家,去给一辆汽车做好的、严格的检查。
You don't have to be jealous of the guy who works on your mountainbike. 你不会嫉妒在你的登山车上面工作的那个家伙。
You don't have to be that wealthy, neither much gifted, not even good-looking, only if you are a God-fearing, mature and wise Christian. 希望你是一个成熟,虔诚,智慧的基督徒.如果你不是信徒,请勿打搅。谢谢。
You don't have to be too perfect; the picture should be light and wispy. 你不用画得太过精细,图画应该是稀疏有致的.

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