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The depository may not delegate safekeeping of the deposit to a third person, except otherwise agreed by the parties.

The depositional sequences of meandering river are typical of the development of point bars, crevasse-splays, natural levees and flood plains. 曲流河沈积以发育点砂垻、决口扇、天然堤和泛滥平原等微相单元爲特徵。
The depositor may retrieve the deposit at any time. 第三百七十六条寄存人可以随时领取保管物。
The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on purpose. 储户有意确信地介词放置在那个位置。?
The depositor shall pay the safekeeping fee to the depository in accordance with the contract. 第三百六十六条寄存人应当按照约定向保管人支付保管费。
The depository bank shall collect and hold the share proceeds in accordance with the agreement, and issue receipts to subscribers who have paid their share proceeds, and is obligated to provide to the relevant authority a certificate for receipt of share 代收股款的银行应当按照协议代收和保存股款,向缴纳股款的认股人出具收款单据,并负有向有关部门出具收款证明的义务。
The depository may not delegate safekeeping of the deposit to a third person, except otherwise agreed by the parties. 第三百七十一条保管人不得将保管物转交第三人保管,但当事人另有约定的除外。
The depository may not use, or allow to be used, the deposit, except otherwise agreed by the parties. 第三百七十二条保管人不得使用或者许可第三人使用保管物,但当事人另有约定的除外。
The depository shall keep the deposit with due care. 第三百六十九条保管人应当妥善保管保管物。
The deposits are related to each other, forming a genetic system from Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic eras in Zhenan-Xunyang area. 它们构成镇安-旬阳地区晚古生代到早中生代的一个互有联系的成因体系。
The depot near the harbor was bombed by the enemy. 港口附近的兵站被敌人炸毁了。
The depre ed market results in the stagnation of trade. 市场萧条导致贸易停滞。

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