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Please read out this sentence!

Please reach (me) the atlas down from the bookshelf. 请把那本地图册从书架上取下来(递给我).
Please read aloud so that I can hear you. 请大声朗读,好让我能听到。
Please read carefully our statement on the collection of personal data before submitting this form. 递交个人资料前,请先细阅系会声明。
Please read from beginning to end. 请从头读到尾。
Please read loudly follow me: I am a chinese! I want to speak chinese! 大家跟我念:“我是中国人,我要说中文“!
Please read out this sentence! 请大声读这句句子。
Please read the IMPORTANT NOTES carefully, this form is to be completed in block letter with pen by the applicants in Chinese or English. 请申请人认真阅读说明事项,用中文或英文印刷体填写此申请表,填写时请用钢笔或签字笔。
Please read the dialogue in groups. 请一组一组的朗读对话。
Please read the group tasks and submit your top three preferences. 请先阅读小组任务并提交你最想选的三个题目。
Please read the handout carefully. 请仔细读读这份说明。
Please read the information on our Study Abroad Grant site for details. 请查看蒙纳士大学国际部海外留学办公室的海外留学助学金网页了解详情。

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