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Determination of Emodin in Kangnaoshuai Capsules and in Radix Polygoni Multiflori by TLC Scanning;

Farmers response to water shortage in North China; 北方地区农民对水资源短缺的反应
Analysis on water saving agricultural regime safeguards in northern area; 北方地区节水农业的制度保障措施探析
Research on Design of Board Style High-Rise Homebuilding in Northern Area; 北方地区板式高层住宅设计研究
The experimental study on the expression of toll-like receptor 2 in fulminant hepatic failure; 暴发性肝衰竭中Toll样受体2表达的实验研究
Edible Methods on Wild Vegetable Dandelion in Baoku Forest Region; 宝库林区蒲公英野生蔬菜的食用方法
Determination of Emodin in Kangnaoshuai Capsules and in Radix Polygoni Multiflori by TLC Scanning; 薄层扫描法测定抗脑衰胶囊及何首乌中大黄素的含量
Examination of the Pesticide Residue of Organophosphates and Carbamates on the Spot by Thin-layer Chromatography; 薄层层析—酶抑制法检测有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类杀虫药剂
Effects of cysteamine on production performance and physiobiochemical indexes of carps; 半胱胺对鲤鱼生产性能及生化指标的影响
Effect and mechanism of water decoction of Angelica dahurica on rat isolated pulmonary arterial rings; 白芷水煎剂对大鼠离体肺动脉环的作用及其机制
Septoria dearnessii Ellis et Everhart, the causal agent of Angelica leaf spot is the most destructive foliar disease of Radix Angelica Dahurica. 白芷斑枯病是四川地道中药材白芷叶部最为严重的病害,该病由白芷壳针孢菌(Septoria dearnessii Ellis et Everhart)引起。
Silver Age:A Blend of Western Culture and Russian Culture; 白银时代:西方文化与俄罗斯文化的融汇

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