Article 11 In light of the different registration items, an applicant shall, when applying for the registration of a realty, provide the ownership certificate of the realty and such necessary materials as the [] and area of the realty. |
中文意思: 第十一条当事人申请登记,应当根据不同登记事项提供权属证明和不动产界址、面积等必要材料。 |
Article 11 Goods (including raw materials, spare parts and components, primary parts, and packaging supplies for the production of export products), transported from the non-bonded areas into the bonded areas, shall be regarded as export goods, and the Cu
第十一条从非保税区运入保税区的货物(包括供生产出口产品的原材料、零部件、元器件、包装物料等),视同出口,并按照国家有关规定办理海关手续。 |
Article 11 Governments at all levels shall raise funds for social education expenditure, and with each expenditure budget, setout a category solely for social education.
第11条(社会教育经费)各级政府,应宽筹社会教育经费,并于各该教育经费预算内,专列社会教育经费科目。 |
Article 11 If any stolen goods or suspected stolen goods wanted by public security organs are found in business activity, enterprises of renewable resources recovery shall report to public security organs immediately.
第十一条再生资源回收经营者在经营活动中发现有公安机关通报寻查的赃物或有赃物嫌疑的物品时,应当立即报告公安机关。 |
Article 11 If import commodities other than those which are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities in accordance with this Law are found to be not up to the quality standard, damaged or short on weight or quantity, the consignee sha
第十一条本法规定必须经商检机构检验的进口商品以外的进口商品的收货人,发现进口商品质量不合格或者残损短缺,需要由商检机构出证索赔的,应当向商检机构申请检验出证。 |
Article 11 In issuing foreign capital stocks listed abroad within the total amount fixed in the stock issue plan, it may, with the approval of the Securities Committee of the State Council, agree with the underwriter(s) in the underwriting agreement to re
第十一条公司在发行计划确定的股份总数内发行境外上市外资股,经国务院证券委员会批准,可以与包销商在包销协议中约定,在包销数额之外预留不超过该次拟募集境外上市外资股数额15%的股份。 |
Article 11 In light of the different registration items, an applicant shall, when applying for the registration of a realty, provide the ownership certificate of the realty and such necessary materials as the [] and area of the realty.
第十一条当事人申请登记,应当根据不同登记事项提供权属证明和不动产界址、面积等必要材料。 |
Article 11 In order to establish a company, its articles of association must be prepared in accordance herewith.
第十一条:设立公司必须依照本法制定公司章程。 |
Article 11 In order to stop serious illegal and criminal activities, the people's policemen of public security organs may use police implements in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.
第十一条为制止严重违法犯罪活动的需要,公安机关的人民警察依照国家有关规定可以使用警械。 |
Article 11 In the case of a marriage made under coercion, the coerced party may make a request to the marriage registration office or the people's court for the dissolution of the marriage contract.
第十一条因胁迫结婚的,受胁迫的一方可以向婚姻登记机关或人民法院请求撤销该婚姻。 |
Article 11 Local people's congresses at various levels shall meet in session at least once a year.
第十一条地方各级人民代表大会会议每年至少举行一次。 |
Article 11 Metrological verification shall,according to the principle of economy and rationality,be carried out on the spot or in the vicinity.
第十一条计量检定工作应当按照经济合理的原则,就地就近进行。 |