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Inspired by the policy of No compromise on quality, Do it right the first time, Immediately clean up mistakes, facing the opportunity and challenge of China's entry to the WTO, all the employees of BMSC are determined to continuously do their utmost to ma

Inspired by a short story and a book on 20th century fashion. 灵感是从我写的短篇故事还有一本有关二十世纪时装的书而得来的。
Inspired by my own weirdness while trying out tabletop gaming; the proportions are, as usual, just a bit wonky, but I think I got the expressions down the way I wanted. 从我自己玩桌面角色扮演游戏的经验而来的灵感﹔身体比例像平常一样看起来怪怪的﹐不过我倒是觉得我把他们两人的表情画的蛮传神。
Inspired by the 1965 movie the Great Race, more than 100 teams are competing in a cross-country journey. 受到1965年的电影《疯狂大赛车》的启发,一百多支队伍正在参加一场越野赛的角逐。
Inspired by the American example, dozens of colonies or sections of empires have attempted to throw off the yoke of subservience to foreign governments and create a new, independent, and “republican“ government. 藉由美国独立的启发,数十个殖民地和帝国的属地致力于挣脱外国政府的枷锁,以建立崭新独立的「共和」政府。
Inspired by the hit song by Baisho Chieko, Yamada wrote and directed the eponymous film The Sunshine Girl, his first feature film. 1963把倍赏千惠子主唱的大热流行曲<平民区的太阳>构思成同名电影,乃首次执导的长篇电影。
Inspired by the policy of No compromise on quality, Do it right the first time, Immediately clean up mistakes, facing the opportunity and challenge of China's entry to the WTO, all the employees of BMSC are determined to continuously do their utmost to ma 秉着“在质量上决不妥协第一次就做好立即清除错误”的方针,伴着经济发展的大潮,面对入世的机遇与挑战,北蒙人有信心将蒙诺公司建成一流的大企业。
Inspired by the punks of the late seventies and the constantly changing styles of Madonna, they sported unconventional, off-coloured, choppy hairstyles. 由于受到70年代末的朋克人群以及麦当娜那变化无常的发型的影响,他们卖弄的是非传统的、褪色的、长短不齐的发型。
Inspired by the related researches in this field, the author makes an analysis into the elements affecting the expectancy effect, and explores its process from three perspectives, namely, the psychological basis of the formation of expectation, the channe 摘要结合国内外的研究,对期望效应中来自师生双方面的影响因素进行了分析,从期望形成的心理成因,期望传递的范畴、渠道和期望实现的中介物质三方面探讨期望效应的实现过程。
Inspired by the success story of an Amway leader, we took up the business after returning to Hong Kong and began to develop it aggressively. 受到领导人的奋斗历程所启发,回流返港后我们主动接触这门生意并积极发展。
Inspired by the tons of junk mail received every day, Typing Machine (Junk Mail Factory) is built to reveal the nonsense yet playful nature in text-generation process. 灵感来自每天收到的大量垃圾邮件,《打字机器(垃圾电邮工厂)》旨在表现文字于产生过程中荒唐但却充满玩味感的特性。
Inspired by the “Needham question”, this essay argues that, if research focuses switch from the negative question “why modern science did not happen in China” to the positive question “why China was more efficient in applying knowledge about nature to hum 本文从“李约瑟问题”得到启发,认为如果把注意力从反问题“近代科学为什么没有在中国发生”转移到正问题“为什么中国文明在把人类对自然界的知识应用于人类实际需要上比西方文明更有效得多”上来,则可以发展社会学与文化取向的中国科学史研究。

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