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He expounds the prosperity and declination of a nation by studying the history of European races, which is a sharp contrast with China.

He explains to me how to lead our herd. 他告诉我怎样引导牧群。
He exploded with rage. 他勃然大怒,暴跳如雷。
He exploded:“Why didn't you tell me earlier! 译文:他大吼道:“你为什么不早点告诉我!”
He explored the Amazon jungle. 他探勘亚马逊河丛林。
He expounded the reasons why he did it. 他阐述了他做这件事的理由。
He expounds the prosperity and declination of a nation by studying the history of European races, which is a sharp contrast with China. 本书对欧洲历史夹叙夹议,并且时时对照中国,以种族考察为纲领而论述国家的兴衰,不同于一般外国历史地理之书,这是一个明显的特点。
He express the hope that we will keep in touch with his firm. 他表示希望我们与他的公司保持联系。
He expressed a desire to see the papers. 他表达看该文件的欲望。
He expressed a great readiness to help us. 他表示极为欣然帮助我们。
He expressed his horror of war. 他表示了对战争的憎恶。
He expressed his thoughts in clear and fitting language. 他用明白恰当的语言来表达他的思想。

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