Mr Case reckons that one of the roots of today's health-care crisis, especially in America, is that prevention and care are not suitably joined up.
凯泽估计,当今医疗危机的根源之一就在于没有将预防和保健与医疗恰当地结合,美国尤其如此。 |
Mr Chan Chi Ming, Chairman, Baron Horace Ngan, Honorary President, and Mr Lam Wai Hung, Vice Chairman will present prizes to the Owner, Trainer and Jockey of the winning horse.
届时澳门马主协会主席陈志明先生、名誉会长颜杰强男爵及副主席林蔚雄先生将分别颁奖予胜出盃赛之马主、练马师及骑师。 |
Mr Chan has typically voted with the Hong Kong government on legislative matters.
陈智思在立法会投票时通常跟随政府路线。 |
Mr Chan holds a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hong Kong.
陈伟民先生毕业于香港大学,并且获得机械工程学士学位。 |
Mr Chan is on the board of directors of Caterpillar China Limited, and is a member of the US-China Business Council and American-Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.
陈伟民先生是卡特彼勒中国有限公司董事会成员,同时也是美中贸易委员会和香港美国商会会员。 |
Mr Chan said he expected China to account for 80 per cent of the company's revenues in three years' time, compared with less than half that figure now.
陈先生说,他预计,三年后,中国市场将为公司的收入贡献80%,目前这一比例还不到一半。 |
Mr Charles was elected (the) chairman of the municipal education committee.
查尔斯当选为先生市教育委员会主任委员。 |
Mr Chaudhry was elevated, in 2000, to fill one of the gaps.
乔杜里先生正是在2000年时为填补空缺而提升上来的。 |
Mr Chavez said that part of the new socialist Venezuela will be the nationalization of natural resources.
查韦斯说新社会主义的委内瑞拉的一部分就是将自然资源国有化。 |
Mr Chen Yonglin, 37, also said Australian officials had warned him that his actions 'will cause serious consequences' and possibly affect Canberra's growing trade relationship with China.
翻译:一位前中国高级外交官为他和他在此地的家人寻求政治庇护。他昨天说,他不能支持他的政府,同时如果他被送回北京,他的安全将无法得到保障。 |
Mr Chen owed his job in Shanghai to Mr Hu's predecessor, Jiang Zemin, making him an obvious target.
陈(良宇),作为胡的前任江泽民的人马,显然成为了靶子。 |