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The depths of the colonic haustra were different under the above pressures,but there was no difference between .mmHg and 7.mmHg.
肠充气的 种压力 7.mmHg与.mmHg和7.mmHg之间,结肠袋深距有显著性差异,.mmHg与7.mmHg之间无显著性差异。

The density of stomata and fecundity were recede remarkably. 气孔密度、结实率显著降低;
The deposit is poorly studied. 该矿床富含四种分散元素,是一个典型的分散元素矿床。
The deposit sample was not washed till no chloric anion was titrated by silver nitrate solution. Then the sample was burned to become ash and dispersed in 0 ml 0. mol/L H_SO_.The excess H_SO_ was titrated by 0. mol/L NaOH standard solution. 沉淀样品清洗直至用硝酸银溶液滴定无氯离子为止,然后灼烧成灰,再将之分散于0 ml 0. mol/L HSO中,用0. mol/L NaOH标准溶液滴定,中和过量的硫酸.
The depressive disorders such as anxiety,despair and agitate were also alleviated and the scores of HAMD decreased significantly after drug withdrawal(P<0.0). 术后抑郁障碍症状如焦虑、绝望和激越症状改善良好,停药后汉密尔顿抑郁量表评分显著下降(P<0.0)。
The depth of two operation methods arrived at the stratum corium. 二种手术方法的深度均宜达到真皮浅层。
The depths of the colonic haustra were different under the above pressures,but there was no difference between .mmHg and 7.mmHg. 肠充气的 种压力 7.mmHg与.mmHg和7.mmHg之间,结肠袋深距有显著性差异,.mmHg与7.mmHg之间无显著性差异。
The dermal tissue bulk along with the fat of abdominal flank wall was cut according to the wound surface of the recient site, and then the contrary using Padgett's dermatome was employed for cutting skin graft. 即以腹部为供皮区切取腹壁皮肤组织块,离体后用Padgett′s切皮机削除皮下组织形成适当厚度的整张皮片。
The dermoid cysts were all found during infant period, and the length and width of the cysts ranged from cm× cm to 0 cm× 8 cm. 囊肿均在婴、幼儿期出现,囊肿大小cm×cm~0cm×8cm。
The descending order of diameters of clearing zones on chitin agar plates is G>G >G.The descending order of chitosanase activities of shake flask culture supernatants of G,G and G is G >G>G when determined with Schales'method. G 为枯草芽孢杆菌 (Bacillussubtilis)。 它们在几丁质平板上的透明圈直径以G>G >G为序 ,在以Schales’法测定壳聚糖酶活力时 ,其摇瓶发酵上清液的酶活力以G >G>G为序。
The description about the growth and existence of plants can be classified into two types, one is simple and pure form of life, the other is protean one. 《诗》中有关植物生长和存在状态的描写大致可以分为两类:一类是单纯状貌的生命形态,一类是富于变化的生命状态,而这二者又都是以展现个体的生命风貌为主。
The design and application of bamboo plywood formwork in shear wall construction 竹胶模板在剪力墙施工中的设计与应用

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