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Diabetics must be careful to control the sugar levels in their blood. But many people do not know they have diabetes. And no one knows what causes it.

Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the most serious complications of diabetes mellitus, but it is reversible at its early period. 糖尿病肾病是糖尿病肾病最严重的并发症之一,但在其早期存在可逆性。
Diabetic patients; a diabetic coma. 糖尿病病人;糖尿病昏迷,
Diabetic retinopathy was assessed by a panel of study ophthalmologists using both indirect ophthalmoscopy and digital fundus retinal photographs. 方法:本次研究自2003年7月28日起至8月7日止为期二周,针对马祖地区30岁以上民众作糖尿病视网膜病变之横断性筛检。
Diabetics are more vulnerable to heart disease, kidney failure and limb amputation among other complications. 糖尿病患者易患心脏病、肾功能衰竭和因其他并发症引起的截肢。
Diabetics have sugar in their tears and the amount present is a good predictor of blood sugar levels, new research shows. 最新一项研究显示,糖尿病患者的泪水中同样含有糖,并且通过检测泪水中的糖份比例,可以预见血液里的含糖水平。
Diabetics must be careful to control the sugar levels in their blood. But many people do not know they have diabetes. And no one knows what causes it. 糖尿病患者必须小心控制他们血液中血糖的浓度。但是很多人不知道自己患有糖尿病。也没有人知道糖尿病是怎么产生的。
Diabolical method! 毒辣法!
Diag-nosis of middle ear disease was made by tympanomery and otoscopic examina-tion. 中耳疾病的诊断系经由鼓室图及耳镜下观察。
Diagnose/resolving key technical challenge and problem in the project. 解决项目中的关键问题和技术难题。
Diagnoses were made mainly through a complete medical history, meticulous physical examination, regular laboratory tests, and an observation of clinical course. 诊断之获致常是经由完整的病史、详细的理学检查、一般性的实验室检验、和临床病程的观察。
Diagnosis at biopsy was Creutzfeld-Jakob disease. 尸检诊断为克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布病。

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