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Both Mary and Jane understands English.

Both Leibniz and Newton had independently developed a branch of mathematics called calculus, which underlies most of modern physics. 莱布尼兹和牛顿两人都独自创建了微积分这一数学分支,从而为大部分现代物理学奠定了基础。
Both Lily and Lucy are students. 莉莉和露西都是学生。
Both MAC and PC platforms are supported, along with all major page composition and image manipulation programs, giving us the ability to handle both native files as well as supplied PostScript files. MAC和PC平台均可提供支援,同时也支援主要的美工和排版软体,处理底片以及档案的能力游刃有馀。
Both Mars and Pluto are associated with sexual drive since these two planets are the co-rulers of Scorpio. 火星和冥王星都跟性欲望有关,既然这两颗行星都是天蝎座的共同守护星。
Both Marx and Maslow have discussed the problem of human essence and its actualization, and both of them emphasize the uniqueness of the human essence, and believe that the high needs of human being must be on the base of basic needs. and they are both co 摘要马克思和马斯洛关于人的本质异化和实现的观点有相似之处,两者都强调人的类本质的独特性,认为人的高级需要的追求要以低级需要为基础,都对人类社会发展的未来持乐观态度。
Both Mary and Jane understands English. 玛丽和简都懂英语。
Both Mencius and Xun Zi had considered non-connection between heaven and man, and the unity of the Heaven and man; but they were in different degrees of actions. 孟子、荀子其实都讲天人之分,也讲天人合一,只是在具体层面上有所不同而已。
Both Miss Stoner and I gazed at him in astonishment. 我和斯唐娜小姐都惊讶得看着他。
Both Mr Abe and Mr Hu therefore have reason to turn the weekend's symbolic handshake into a bigger diplomatic opportunity. 安倍及胡锦涛有理由将礼貌握手转化为外交契机,但困难不小。
Both Mr Chen's Democratic Progre ive Party and the Kuomintang called off campaigning events scheduled for last night. 陈水扁所属的民进党和国民党都同时取消昨晚的所有拉票活动。
Both Mr Chen's Democratic Progressive Party and the Kuomintang called off campaigning events scheduled for last night. 陈水扁所属的民进党和国民党都同时取消昨晚的所有拉票活动。

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