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The students their seats in the classroom by twos and threes.

The students take the admonition from their teacher. 学生们接受老师的劝告。
The students take turns at clean the classroom evrey day. 学生们每天轮流打扫教室。
The students take turns to answer the questions. 学生们轮流回答问题。
The students take turns to clean the classroom everyday. 学生们每天轮流打扫教室.
The students talk in groups and explain the cause of the earthquake. And ask 2 or 3 students to stand up and retell. 最近发生在印度洋海域附近的地震已经造成了将近至少15万人死亡,房屋倒塌,树木道路毁坏,许许多多的人失去了家园。
The students their seats in the classroom by twos and threes. 学生们三三两两地坐在教室里。
The students there are from America. 那边的那些学生来自美国。
The students tried to provoke the teacher into losing her temper. 学生们试图惹老师发脾气。
The students unfurled their books. 学生们打开书。
The students vary from one another in character. 学生们的性格各不相同。
The students ventilated their grievances. 学生们公开表示了他们的愤怒

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