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Last year,he has been defined and defaced by a broken metatarsal at Stamford Bridge in April, by red cards in Gelsenkirchen in July and Amsterdam in August.however long his career may last, Rooney will never escape the sort of scrutiny in which even geniu

Last year, to stop our students taking cat nap in class, we sometimes ate chilis before starting a class. 过去的一年,为了让学生每节课都不打瞌睡,我们往往要课前吃辣椒。
Last year, twelve men died after an explosion in the West Virginia coal mine. 去年,西弗吉尼亚州媒矿爆炸造成12人死亡。
Last year, when I was a visiting professor of law at Peking University, I was amazed when I read my students' papers and discovered that virtually all had committed plagiarism. 去年,我在北京大学做法学访问教授,在我批阅学生的论文时,发现几乎所有的学生都进行了剽窃,这使我十分吃惊。
Last year, when attempting to break the record, the cheese broke in half when it was being turned. Cheese-turning allows it to ripen evenly. 去年,这块干酪准备打破世纪纪录时,在翻面的过程中断成两半。干酪必须要在均匀熟透的情况下才能被翻转。
Last year,1999, I found it in a second hand bookshop in Edinburgh and I read it all day. 去年(1999),我在爱丁堡的一个旧书店里找到了它。我非常高兴,整天的读。
Last year,he has been defined and defaced by a broken metatarsal at Stamford Bridge in April, by red cards in Gelsenkirchen in July and Amsterdam in August.however long his career may last, Rooney will never escape the sort of scrutiny in which even geniu 过去的一年,鲁尼的生活被以下事件概括和涂抹着:4月份在斯坦福桥的跖骨骨折,7月份在盖尔森基兴和8月份在阿姆斯特丹的红牌……但不管他的职业生涯有多长,鲁尼将永远无法逃脱人们的监视,每个天才都会在这种监视中枯萎。
Last year’s party was a gas. 去年的晚会很棒。
Last, but certainly not least, we can understand the fork—and its spinoffs, the dessert fork, the salad fork, and the oyster fork— as part of that efflorescence of the inutile that always accompanies the rise of new money. 最后,也是非常重要的一点,我们可以把叉子———包括其衍生物如甜点叉、沙拉叉以及牡蛎叉等———看作是总伴随著新生财富出现的浮华风尚的一部分。
Last, computer scientists should develop the ability to inject test errors; these would permit the evaluation of system behavior and assist in operator training. 最后,电脑科学家还必须开发出在系统内加入测试用错误的能力,如此才有办法评估系统的运作状况,并且协助训练操作人员。
Last, let us synthesize our large chakras and auric field. 最后,让我们合成我们的大脉轮及金场。
Last, let us synthesize the creative body, which is the next layer out from the intuitive body. 现在,让我们合成直觉体,它是情感体外面的一层。

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