Practicing is tiresome, but stick with it and some day you will become a good pianist.
练琴是一件辛劳的事,但如果你坚持下去,你将来会成为一名很好的钢琴演奏家。 |
Practicing self-massage at a regular interval and intensity by using this means can serve the effects of dispelling diseases, building up a good physique and constitution, as well as adjusting mood and refreshing oneself.
适时并适度用此种方法进行自我按摩,不仅可以祛病强身、增强体质,还有调节情绪、醒脑提神的效用。 |
Practicing teaching is the important part of the teaching course, but in the teaching activity in many schools, the ways and means about the practicing teaching of the single chip micro computer doesn't fulfill the request, and turn into the source of the
摘要实践教学是整个教学过程中的重要环节,然而许多学校教学中,单片机实践教学的方法、手段远远不能满足实际需要,并已成为单片机难教、难学的根源所在。 |
Practicing way: We could do product sailing in a small regional market, to check marketing operation ways we will expand in future, know consumers' thought and get experience from this test, we could afford loss even we get failure.
具体方法:先在一个小的区域市场内做试点,检验将采取的市场操作方法,以及消费者对产品的反应,这样可以总结成功的经验,即使失败了,企业也能够承担得起。 |
Practicing your swing against a fence or a wall is an aid to being consistently vertical at contact.
对抗围墙或一面墙壁练习你的挥拍,帮助你在接触点保持球拍一致的垂直。 |
Practicing, actually, at the Art Lab at UNC (un)''til the dean of students kicked us out.
原来是因为喜欢喝啤酒,勾引女孩子才成立了一个乐队。 |
Practise expressing intentions and wishes.
练习表达意图和愿望. |
Practise fraud is not allowed in the school.
学校是不允许考试做弊行为的. |
Practise giving advice and making suggestions.
练习提建议,作劝告的表达方法. |
Practise my drawing 'cos it sucks. I'll try to draw some random picture every one to two days and upload to the Gallery on the main page.
练习画画,因为我画得很差。尽量每一两天随手画一幅随机作品。作品将展示于主页见到的画廊中。 |
Practise varying your speed until you gain some control over it.
练习改变速度,直到你能够加以控制。 |