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She has three children, and her eldest has just started school.

She has the power to banish your loneliness. 爱人会驱走你的孤独。
She has the power to charm men and women. 她对所有男人和女人都具有巨大的魅力。
She has the qualifications for admission to the college. 她具备进入该学院的条件。
She has the same status in her acting career as Jacky Chan and Stephen Chow. 打破了“成龙电影只有龙”、“周星驰电影只有星”的大话,成为绝对平起平坐的女主角。
She has the sole responsibility for bringing up the child. (她是唯一有责任抚养孩子的人。)
She has three children, and her eldest has just started school. 她有三个孩子,最大的刚开始读书。
She has to be completely washable,but not elastic have 200 movable parts,all replaceable run on black coffee and leftovers have a lap that can hold three children at one time and that disappears when she stands up have a kiss that can cure anything from a 她必须是可洗的,但不是橡胶的;她有200个可活动的零件,全部可以更换;她靠清咖啡和剩饭剩菜运转;她的腿上可以同时坐上3个孩子,而她站起身时,这腿又恢复正常长度;她的吻能治愈一切,从擦伤的膝盖到破碎的心;她还有6双手。”
She has to escort her water home, because if she doesn't, the truck might be hijacked by other residents who are just as desperate for the brownish, chlorine-scented liquid, and don't want to wait in line. 翻译:她必须护送她打来的水回家,这是因为如果她不这么做的话,卡车就会被其他对这棕色的、有氯气气味的液体不顾一切且不想排队等待的其他居民抢劫。
She has to go to school by bus. 她不得不乘公共汽车去上学。
She has told me that her relationship is all over, which... uh... which is a lie. 她对我说过她同他的关系都结束了,这是句谎话。
She has told them nothing that could shed light on her husband's whereabouts . 她没向他们提供任何有关她丈夫下落的线索。

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