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The progression of the role of HSP90 in estrogen receptor pathway in breast neoplasms——the rationale of a new idea of targeted therapy on breast carcinoma;

Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalance of levofloxacin lactate in healthy volunteers; 乳酸左氧氟沙星片人体药物动力学及生物等效性研究
Percutaneous penetration of levofloxacin lactate liposome gel; 乳酸左氧氟沙星脂质体凝胶剂经小鼠在/离体的透皮吸收
Recent development and physiological functions of lactoferrin; 乳铁蛋白及其生理功能研究进展
Significance of X-ray Calcification in the Diagnosis of Breast Disease; 乳腺X线钙化在诊断乳腺良恶性疾病中的意义
Expression of caspase-7,caspase-3,survivin in breast neoplasm and their relationship with clinicopathologic factors; 乳腺癌caspase-7、caspase-3、survivin的表达及与临床病理因素关系的探讨
The progression of the role of HSP90 in estrogen receptor pathway in breast neoplasms——the rationale of a new idea of targeted therapy on breast carcinoma; 乳腺癌ER信号途径中HSP90作用之研究进展——一种乳腺癌新的靶向治疗思路的理论基础
A study on social support and coping style of breast cancer patients and its relationship with their personality; 乳腺癌病人社会支持和应对方式及其与人格关系的研究
Bioinformatics analysis of C11orf59,an unknown gene highly expressed in breast neoplasms; 乳腺癌高表达基因c11 orf 59的生物信息学分析
Clinical value of sentined lymph node biopsy in mammary cancer; 乳腺癌前哨淋巴活检的临床应用价值
Relationship between expressions of COX-2,MMP-9 in breast carcinoma and lymph node metastasis; 乳腺癌细胞中COX-2、MMP-9蛋白表达与其淋巴道转移的关系
Researeh of changes of endocrine hormones in mammary cancer and hyperplasia of mammary glands.; 乳腺癌与乳腺增生病某些内分泌激素的差异及其临床意义

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