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In the Pointer Trail area, drag the Length slider.

In the Output category of the Link tab in the Project Settings dialog box, set the Entry Point Symbol to wWinMainCRTStartup. 设置后仍然出错。而且设置完了后,再进入设置对话框后就没了。
In the Pacific Ocean alone around 95 percent of leatherbacks have vanished in the past 20 years due to human activity, according to the environmental group Conservation International. 根据国际环境保护组织的说法,在过去的20年中,由于人类活动的影响,仅仅太平洋中的棱皮海龟数量就下降了约95%。
In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use. 在专利局, 我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。
In the People's Republic of China the AIA qualification is recognised in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 在中华人民共和国,AIA资格在香港特别行政区得到认可。
In the Philippines, it is used with milk for dysentery and kidney infections. 在菲律宾,人们将芦荟与牛奶一起使用,治疗痢疾和肾脏感染。
In the Pointer Trail area, drag the Length slider. 在“指针尾部”区,拖动“长度”滑杆。
In the Portuguese half Stankovic tries to flick on a Favalli pass to Martins but it's misguided and Porto regain possession. 在波尔图的半场斯坦科维奇接法瓦利的传球后试图迅速在分给马丁斯,但被波尔图断下。
In the Potions list, ingredients are listed in italics. 配料成份会以斜体字列在药剂列表中。
In the Premiership it is impossible. There are tall people, target men, who are used to playing with back to goal and a long ball build-up. 但在英超联赛里没有中后卫却根本不可能。这里的球员都很高大,他们是球队进攻的核心,通过长传球的助攻和身体优势得分。
In the Presence of Others Sing not to yourself with a humming Noise,nor Drum with your Fingers or Feet. 有别人在场的情况下,不要自己哼唱,也不要用手指或脚敲打东西,或者用脚踢什么东西。
In the Press Conference, she appeared in black with a translucentoutfit matching a 3 inches high heel making her look real elegant. 在记者会上,她以一身黑色服装加上“透明”视的外套亮相,配上3寸高的高跟鞋,婀娜多姿地出现在台上。

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