These cells usually disintegrate, liberating food substances that are subsequently absorbed by the spore mother cells and the developing spores.
这层细胞常常分解,释放出其内的营养物质,这些营养物质后来会被孢子母细胞和正在发育的孢子所吸收。 |
These cells, more of which are killed in the course of the disease, produce the chemical neurotransmitter dopamine (which is linked to movement control) in order to communicate with one another and cells in different brain areas.
这些细胞,更是死亡病程,产生化学递质多巴胺(即挂运动控制),以沟通彼此细胞在不同脑区。 |
These center points are called nodes.
这些中心点称作“节点”。 |
These centers are dedicated to the development of unparalleled enterprise-scale business applications, with a customer focus, which provide superior solutions.
这些中心以客为尊,致力于开发先进的企业商务应用软件,并提供优秀的解决方案。 |
These centers are the gonads, the lyden cells, the adrenals, the thymus, the thyroid, the pineal and the pituitary glands.
这些精神中心是,性腺、太阳淋巴丛、肾上腺、胸腺、甲状腺、松果腺和脑垂体。 |
These centuries embodied martial conflict, unbelievable wealth and opulence for a few, and horrible poverty for many.
对少数人,这几世纪呈现军事的冲突、难以置信的富裕与豪华;对大数人,则是令人骇惧的贫困。 |
These ceramic tiles are the ultimate in modern kitchen design.
这种瓷砖是现代厨房装修中的极品. |
These chairs were made out of bamboo .
这些椅子是用竹子来做的。 |
These challenging but achievable objectives can only be met by housing associations when they build, renovate and maintain their homes using sustainable development principles.
这些具有挑战性但可达到的目标,只能通过住宅协会在建造、翻修和维护他们的住宅时,利用可持续发展原理来实现。 |
These changes are relative rather than absolute, and some of the ideas are still making the transition from the drawing board to the battlefield, but they all point to a withering away of Jominian constructs.
这种变化几乎可以说是相当彻底的,其中的一些想法还处在从图板到战场的转换过程中,但它们都显示出了约米尼体系的消亡。 |
These changes are resulting in increasingly complex medical and health challenges including in the areas of chronic diseases; environmental health; occupational health; emerging and re-emerging communicable diseases; mental health problems; and illnesses
这些转变的结果给医疗服务业带来了更多更复杂的挑战,比如各种慢性病问题、环境卫生问题、职业卫生问题,正在出现和重新出现的传染病、精神卫生疾病以及同人们不良习惯有关的疾病,如吸毒、性传播疾病和艾滋病等。 |