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However, in a close season where Inter have been extremely active on the transfer market, Spalletti tried to calm the fan protests at the lack of reinforcements coming in to the Stadio Olimpico.

However, in Harry's second, fourth and sixth years, the Weasleys (and Harry) travel from the Burrow to King's Cross on the morning of September 1st. 然而,在哈利的第二、第四和第六年,韦斯莱一家(和哈利)在九月一日的早晨从陋居出发前往国王十字车站。
However, in Longlin of Guangxi, the stereo-physiognomy with high mountains and deep valleys make the three southern ancient ethnic groups ( i.e. 然而在广西隆林,高山深谷的立体地貌使我国南方三大远古族系即羌氐系、苗瑶系、百越系得以并存,使畜牧文化、山地游耕农业文化、粟文化、稻作文化得以共生。
However, in Nigeria in West Africa, over three quarters of the natural gas that is brought up with the oil is simply burned off. 然而在西非的尼日利亚,与石油一同开采出来的天然气有四分之三以上白白地烧掉了。
However, in Ontario, business is struggling. 而安大略却举步维艰。
However, in Peng's inverted world, words have power. 不论如何,在彭弘智颠倒的世界里,文字很有力量。
However, in a close season where Inter have been extremely active on the transfer market, Spalletti tried to calm the fan protests at the lack of reinforcements coming in to the Stadio Olimpico. 然而,在即将关闭的夏季转会市场中国际米兰已经有了着极其活跃的转会动作和大手笔,斯帕莱蒂则尝试罗马的球迷们能够从对夏季严重匮乏的转会活动的抗议中冷静下来。
However, in a similar poll last month by “Terror Free Tomorrow”, an American think-tank, 88% saw the economy as the top priority, compared with 29% who listed nuclear weapons. 而在上个月由美国智库“明日无恐”进行的一个相似的调查则显示,88%的人希望优先发展经济,主张优先发展核武的人只有29%。
However, in a universe with a very large, or infinite, number of stars, one would expect it to occur in a few stellar systems, but they would be very widely separated. 可是,在一个含有非常大量、就是说无穷多个、恒星的宇宙中,人们可以期待这种事情会在少数恒星的系统中产生的,不过这少数系统恐怕相隔很远。
However, in all likelihood, Kobe probably stays. 然而,在所有一切可能性中,科比也许会选择留下来。
However, in all probability, educated Americans Will be richer at retirement simply because they will be able to save more along the way and because they are likely to be smarter and can achieve a higher rate of return on their savings. 但是极为可能的是受过良好教育的美国人之所以在退休时更富有是因为他们在过去的岁月里积攒得更多,而且他们可能更明智,获取更高的存款的投资回报率。
However, in an emergency, they are able to leave the car from the normal buckled position within the five seconds stipulated by the regulations, because all the individual belts can be released with a single twist of the hand. 不过在紧急情况下,根据规则规定,他们还是可以在五秒钟之内通过正常的上扣位置离开赛车,因为所有单独的安全带都可以用手转动一下就可解开。

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