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The first-aid medical team got to the spot of the accident at top speed.

The first, the rectifed element is found by element of absolute value maximum on deviation matrix, when the judgment matrix has poor consistency. 当判断矩阵的一致性较差时,基于度量矩阵中偏离大的元素对判断矩阵一致性的影响较大,通过度量矩阵得出加速修正的步长。
The first, the safari park, houses a large variety of animals like zebra, deer, giraffe, birds, tigers, lion, bears, etc. 一部分是野生动物园,饲养了种类繁多的野生动物,有斑马、鹿、长颈鹿、鸟、老虎、狮子和熊等等。
The first, the septal organ, is a patch of smell-sensitive tissue on the septal wall of the nasal cavity. 第一个部分是鼻中隔,嗅觉敏感的斑片状组织均位于鼻腔鼻中隔壁上。
The first, which happened 11/9/89, he considers to be a new type of world independence day. 首先,他认为1989年11月9日是一个新的世界独立日。
The first,i think she is beautiful.The secend,i think she is pretty.The third,i think she is gorgeous. The fourth, i think she is drop-dead gorgeous. 第一次看见她,我觉得她漂亮。第二次看到她,我觉得她很漂亮。第三次看到她,我觉得她非常漂亮。第四次看到她的时候,我就觉得她靓的很。
The first-aid medical team got to the spot of the accident at top speed. 急救医疗队以最快速度赶到事故现场。
The first-class businessmen are smartly honest;; the second-class businessmen are smartly clever; the third-class businessmen know nothing but kindliness; the businessmen at the lowest level are woundingand always make others get wounded. 一流商人是精明加厚道;二流商人是精明加精明;三流商人是厚道加厚道;最低级的商人,就是“伤人”,处处让别人受伤的人。
The first-class compartments are in the front of the train. 头等车室在列车的前面。
The first-floor girls' restroom on Gryffindor continues to be in disuse. Headmaster Dumbledore stated that its repair is not in the budget this year. 格莱芬多一层的女生休息室仍然被禁用。邓布利多校长声明,今年并没有预算支付它的修复费用。
The first-hand evidence has mounted since some of the women courageously started breaking their silence, after decades of shame, in the early 1990s. 经历了几十年的羞于启齿,一些曾经的受害人从上世纪90年代开始鼓起勇气控诉日军罪行,简直铁证如山。
The first-known decorated Christmas tree was erected in 1510, in Latvia. 经过装饰的第一棵圣诞树于1510年在拉脱维亚树立。

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