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Status in China: Near Threatened (NT). Wild plant under State protection (category II). Recorded in China Plant Red Data Book and Illustration of Rare &endangered plant in Guangdong Province.

Status Offline act your age? 直到你们学会做与年龄相衬的事。?
Status Offline but a poised friendliness. 这个好象是沉着的意思。
Status Online Only qualified personnel are authorized to by-pass this locking system for flow rate checks. 只有合格的操作者才有资质饶过此保险系统做流量检查.
Status in China: Endangered (EN). 中国境内现状:濒危(EN).
Status in China: Least Concern (LC). 中国境内现状:需予关注(LC).
Status in China: Near Threatened (NT). Wild plant under State protection (category II). Recorded in China Plant Red Data Book and Illustration of Rare &endangered plant in Guangdong Province. 中国境内现状:近危(NT)。国家二级保护野生植物。已载入《中国植物红皮书》和《广东省珍稀濒危植物图谱》。
Status in China: Vulnerable (VU). 中国境内现状:易危(VU).
Status in China: Vulnerable (VU). Wild plant under State protection (category II). 中国境内现状:易危(VU)。国家二级保护野生植物。
Status in China: Vulnerable (VU). Wild plant under State protection (category II). Recorded in China Plant Red Data Book and Illustration of Rare &endangered plant in Guangdong Province. 中国境内现状:易危(VU)。国家二级保护野生植物。已载入《中国植物红皮书》和《广东省珍稀濒危植物图谱》。
Status messages help verify the integrity of logical and physical links. This information is critical in a routing environment because routing protocols make decisions based on link integrity. 状态讯息可帮助验证和检查逻辑、实体的链结,这种资讯对有路由器的环境是非常重要的因为路由的协定是基于正确的链结。
Status of each bill is current as of press time. 以下将按照字母顺序,分别介绍各州食品方面的法律法规.

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