They could now leap from a world of cash to cellular banking.
现在他们可以跳过现金时代,进入手机银行时代。 |
They could only keep carrying on the scar, keep moving around, keep being everlasting in dizziness.
只能继续背负著伤疤,继续游走,继续永无止境的晕眩。 |
They could only see each other once a year on July 7th on the lunar calendar.
只有每年的农历七月七日的时候,牛郎织女才能够见一面。 |
They could put AIDS-sufferers on anti-retroviral therapies, but only if they are willing to discontinue treatment once the money stops.
他们可能给艾滋病患者进行抗逆转录病毒治疗,但前提是一旦没钱时这些患者愿意停止治疗。 |
They could repress the uprising with the help of the army.
依靠军队的帮助,他们能够镇压民众的暴动。 |
They could see the Kremlin quite clearly from where they lied.
他们住的地方可以很清楚地看到克里姆林宫。 |
They could stand on their hands, turn head-over-heels, or sit in the air.
他们能手向下倒立、翻筋斗或者坐在空气里。 |
They couldn't agree on what color to paint the house.
他们无法就房子漆什么颜色持相同意见。 |
They couldn't believe their eyes: the huge tent, the prasadam distribution, the cultural exhibits, the devotee bands, the people, everything.
他们不能相信他们的眼睛:巨大的帐篷,普萨达派发,文化展览,奉献者乐队,人群,所有一切。 |
They couldn't do this work other than hurriedly.
他们只能匆忙地做这项工作。 |
They couldn't go out since the lights are turned on.
他们不可能出门了,因为灯还开着呢! |