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At this rate, I'll be eligible for social security before I graduate from high school.

At this rate of increase, China is expected to overtake the United States, the world's leader, by the end of next year. 按照这一增速,中国有望于明年年底超过美国,成为全世界网民规模最大的国家。
At this rate we shall not finish our work before supper. 照这样的速度,我们晚饭前干不完工作。
At this rate we will not be able to afford a holiday. 照这种情形看来,我们就无法度假了。
At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
At this rate we won't be able to buy a house. 照这情形来看,我们可能买不起房子。
At this rate, I'll be eligible for social security before I graduate from high school. 若是以这种速度的话,在我高中毕业之前我就可以做个社会保卫人员了。
At this rate, he says, all seafood species could collapse by 2048. 研究表示那意味着捕捞量从最高值下跌了90%。
At this rate, someone who lives to 75 would spend nine years in front of the tube. 照这样的比例累积下去,每个人活到75岁的时候,平均坐在电视机前的时间,将有九年之久。
At this rate, we shall soon be bankrupt. 这样下去的话, 我们很快就要破产了.
At this rate, we will increase the capability of these technologies by a factor of 1,000 in less than a decade and by a billion in 25 years. 照这个速度下去,不到10年,这项科技的产量就会增加1000倍;25年后,则是10亿倍。
At this school, only ten people passed the music examination this year. That may seem a small number but it's(about) par for the course. 今年这所学校只有10人通过了音乐考试。人数看来太少了,但这却是意料之中的事。

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